When using aggregate(), I got many NA aoutcomes

Hi, I am using aggregate() to calculate the mean value by group of a data frame called "data"
But I got many NA values in the first few columns and I don`t know how to figure it out.
Thanks for help in advance!

> head(data)
# A tibble: 6 x 16
  listing_id comments WC    Analytic Clout Authentic Tone  WPS   Sixltr   Dic affect posemo
       <dbl> <chr>    <chr> <chr>    <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1          2 "they g~ 13    97.95    99    1.4       25.77 13      7.69  76.9   0      0   
2          3 "no car~ 6     18.82    4.8   1         25.77 6       0     50     0      0   
3      11156 "I was ~ 33    95.64    38.08 99        99    16.5   18.2   93.9   9.09   9.09
4      11156 "I love~ 8     11.86    89.42 74.76     99    8      25    100    12.5   12.5 
5      11156 "Collee~ 51    93.26    34.73 98.01     99    25.5   15.7   86.3  13.7   13.7 
6      11156 "Collee~ 49    98.63    50    46.05     99    16.33  22.4   77.6   8.16   8.16
# ... with 4 more variables: negemo <dbl>, anx <dbl>, anger <dbl>, sad <dbl>
>data_agg<- aggregate(x = data[,3:16],               
          by = list(data$listing_id), 
          .drop = False,
          FUN = mean)                          

> head(data_agg)
  Group.1 WC Analytic Clout Authentic Tone WPS Sixltr    Dic affect posemo negemo anx anger
1       2 NA       NA    NA        NA   NA  NA  7.690 76.920  0.000  0.000  0.000   0     0
2       3 NA       NA    NA        NA   NA  NA  0.000 50.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   0     0
3      10 NA       NA    NA        NA   NA  NA 30.000 30.000  0.000  0.000  0.000   0    NA
4      22 NA       NA    NA        NA   NA  NA 13.640 13.640  0.000  0.000  0.000   0    NA
5     116 NA       NA    NA        NA   NA  NA  9.480  8.620  0.860  0.000  0.000   0    NA
6   11156 NA       NA    NA        NA   NA  NA 18.606 79.682  9.806  9.324  0.122   0     0
1   0
2   0
3  NA
4  NA
5  NA
6   0

It is because the columns WC to WPS are stored as character vectors, for which mean() gives back NA.

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