which.min to obtain minimum from column Amount

MAP   TC       truck_id   Day VARIANCE shift2 TRASH_AMOUNT Amount Tiempo
  <fct> <fct>    <fct>    <dbl> <fct>    <fct>  <fct>         <dbl>  <dbl>
1 2     COMPACTT truck 12    50 LOW      1      HIGH           550.   73.1
2 2     COMPACTT truck 12    51 LOW      1      HIGH          1798.   88.4
3 2     COMPACTT truck 12    51 LOW      2      HIGH           221.   40.4
4 2     COMPACTT truck 12    52 LOW      1      HIGH           863.   66.8
5 2     COMPACTT truck 12    52 LOW      2      HIGH           138.   44.9
6 2     COMPACTT truck 12    53 LOW      1      HIGH           707.   59.1
7 2     COMPACTT truck 12    53 LOW      2      HIGH           496    36.9
8 2     COMPACTT truck 12    54 LOW      1      HIGH          1257.   97.7
9 2     COMPACTT truck 12    54 LOW      2      HIGH           203    45.2
10 2     COMPACTT truck 12    55 LOW      1      HIGH           816.   86.1

I have this data above and I am trying to obtain the minimum value on the colum Amount however I am doing this

Tabla7<- filter(data7, thrash_left_in_block >0 & VARIANCE=="LOW" & TRASH_AMOUNT=="HIGH"  &  Day >=50  ) # Turno 1

Grafico7 <- Tabla7 %>%                                  
  group_by(MAP,TC,truck_id,Day,VARIANCE,shift2,TRASH_AMOUNT) %>%                       
  summarise(Amount= sum(thrash_left_in_block),
            Tiempo = sum(time_spend_to_move+time_spend_to_collect),


I would like to have the complete row where is located the minimum but it is only giving me this
[1] 3.25


Grafico7[which.min(Grafico7$Amount), ]
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