Why does lubridate::as.period() return H, M, S for whole-day periods?

It just seems strange to me, comparing two dates, that the output format would include hours, minutes and seconds. It makes sense in the last example below where I've provided now() - a datetime - but when it's just two dates... I can't think of an example where the return wouldn't be a whole number of days.

  interval(ymd("1982-08-10"), today()),
  unit = "day"
#> [1] "13933d 0H 0M 0S"
  interval(ymd("1982-08-10"), today()),
  unit = "year"
#> [1] "38y 1m 22d 0H 0M 0S"
  interval(ymd("1982-08-10"), now()),
  unit = "year"
#> [1] "38y 1m 22d 13H 54M 30.653412103653S"

Created on 2020-10-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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Hi @francisbarton,

the question is well asked. And I think, you're right; it does not make sense. But I think it's the standard format which the lubridate makers chose for (what they call) periods. Maybe to make the difference to a duration.

You could use base R's difftime which is in days.


as.difftime(ymd("2022-10-20") - today())
#> Time difference of 748 days
as.difftime(ymd_h("2022-10-20 0") - now())
#> Time difference of 747.1813 days

# the base unit is days for difftime
as.numeric(as.difftime(ymd_h("2022-10-20 0") - now()))
#> [1] 747.1813

# while the base unit for period is the second
as.numeric(as.period(ymd("2022-10-20") - today()))
#> [1] 64627200

Created on 2020-10-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

The main difference to durations occurs when we try to display your example in months which usually have an unspecific length

  interval(ymd("1982-08-10"), today()),
  unit = "months"
#> [1] "457m 22d 0H 0M 0S"

  interval(ymd("1982-08-10"), today()),
  unit = "days"
#> [1] "13933d 0H 0M 0S"

We learn that an average month here has this many days:

(13933 - 22) / 457
#> [1] 30.43982



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