Why is document=FALSE in package check?

When you invoke check with RStudio, either with the Build pane's "Check" button, or the Cmd + Shift + E keyboard shortcut, it runs the following devtools function:

devtools::check(document = FALSE)

Why is document = FALSE? What advantages does this confer, and is it possible to change it to document = TRUE (as is the default)?

To activate document = TRUE, you may need to set the option in RStudio to roxygenize when running R CMD check. Here are my options :

With this option set, when Cmd + Shift + E on my IDE, it runs devtools::check() which has a default to document = TRUE.

It may be that... :thinking:

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Thanks! I'd looked at that menu, seeing if I could add flags to R CMD check that would cause it to generate docs. Somehow I completely skipped the "generate documentation with Roxygen" section :man_facepalming:.

With this option set, when Cmd + Shift + E on my IDE, it runs devtools::check() which has a default to document = TRUE .

Yep, when I Cmd + Shift + E without "generate documentation..." checked, it runs devtools::check(document = FALSE), which I believe is RStudio's default.

I'm still curious why RStudio's default differs from devtools::check's default. Is it just to provide consistency with the base R CMD check by default?