'windows-latest' fails to install R

About 1 min 45 seconds into building R on windows, it fails. I've restarted the build another two times. Same result. If I restart a build that has succeeded in the past (14 hrs ago), it fails to install R on windows.

Workflow file: https://github.com/schloerke/shinyjster/actions/runs/52291528/workflow#L33-L35
Workflow output: https://github.com/schloerke/shinyjster/runs/495272319?check_suite_focus=true#step:3:1

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Unfortunately the log does not provide useful output for this case, so it is hard to tell what is going wrong. However we are getting the same build failure on the setup-r checks, I will look into it and see if I can diagnose what is going wrong.

The issue is that the setup-r action is trying to download https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/old/3.6.3/R-3.6.3-win.exe, however that file does not exist. Previous to R 3.6.3 the '/old' directory contained even the current release, but that no longer seems to be the case. I will update the action to download the current release from https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/R-3.6.3-win.exe

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Thank you @jimhester!

This should now be fixed in the latest master of the setup-r action.

Confirmed. It is installing now.

Thank you for the quick fix!

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