Would be best if one could pin a project in a space

When the number of projects is too many, it would be nice if one could pin projects so they can be visible at the top.

Thanks for the suggestion! Could you expand a bit about this feature? Would you want the projects that you are pinning to be visible to only yourself or did you want to pin projects so that other users of the space could see them? What kind of projects do you find yourself wanting to pin?

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Thanks for the quick reply. The reason I thought of this feature was that I have a project in a public space and everybody can make a copy of the project. So on the space I see a ton of copied project and my initial project is hidden among them. It would be nice to be able to make certain projects (private or public) pinned to the top of the list of all the projects within a space for easier navigation.

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That sort of sounds like the way pinning a tweet works. Seems very handy. Great suggestion!

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