Would like to see additional categories and tags

A couple of additional categories that I think would be super-useful:

  • the server products, IDE, Shiny Server and RSConnect
  • production uses of R and RStudio tools. Not Data Science focused but instead for discussion of running this stuff in production environments

Similar stuff for the tags:

  • production
  • shiny-server
  • RStudio-server
  • connect

That sort of thing!




I agree! As you may have noticed, Hadley mentioned there will be a category dedicated RStudio admins very soon.

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Yes i second that. Also I think it would be interesting to have additional categories/tags like:

  • Web scraping (rvest, httr tags)
  • R as a web service (plumber tag)
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Also R for Newbies or New to R tag. Ah and one for Teaching Tidverse

I see teaching has been added. Maybe there could also be a category or tag for project workflow (not sure what to call it):

Also, I guess there should be one for recommendations, since that is sure to come up a lot.

@hadley Could we get an rmarkdown tag?

Tags are different from categories, listed here: https://forum.posit.co/tags and creating it wouldn't require fragmenting the #tidyverse section. I'm pinging you since I heard on PM that the forum structure was your domain, which makes sense.

I haven't yet learned gg* packages and probably will not use the data-manipulation packages in the near future, so I'd like to be able to follow RMarkdown (or knitr) in particular.

Added a few more: rvest, rmarkdown, apis, workflow.

We'll think more about what we need for production etc once we launch the RStudio admin section


this sounds rightstrong text