Time Travel Machine |> Table Contest

Time Travel Machine

Authors: Matthew Kumar (Bayer)
website, twitter, linkedin

Abstract: Recreating the time machine gizmo seen in film Back to the Future using reactable, countup, scss and Quarto.

Full Description: This table is a recreation of the time travel device seen in the movie Back to the Future. It uses a combination of scss and {reactable} to stylize and display the table.

The {countup} package by @JohnCoene is integrated into the body of the table to give the illusion of the machine calibrating.

I’ve provided two views of the table: the first is the original (flat) view, the second is meant to be look like a real machine by adding some perspective (i.e. 3d). Both retain the illusion of the machine calibrating!

My aims for this project were two-fold:

  1. To think about creative uses of tables!

  2. Continue to investigate and experiment with reactable, scss and Quarto.


Table Type: interactive-HTML
Submission Type: Single Table Example
Table: Time Travel Machine
Code: GitHub - mattkumar/time-travel-contest: Time Travelling Gizmo
Cloud project:
Languages: Built with R: true. Built with Python: false.
Industries: .
Other packages: reactable