assets in docs deleted when distill site is built

Thanks, @cderv. This is helpful.

Here's what it looks like now:

  - _posts
    - 2020-12-04-tracking-vaccine-hesitancy
      - tracking-vaccine-hesitancy.Rmd
  - docs
  - decks
    - covid-vh-ke
      - nov2020.html

This might need to be a new question, but I'll start here because the root problem (get it?) is my confusion about file paths for distill/rmarkdown websites.

I'm trying to embed nov2020.html into tracking-vaccine-hesitancy.Rmd using xaringanExtra::share_again as @apreshill suggested when she looked at my post.

I tried going two levels up and then down into decks...

```{r embed-xaringan, echo=FALSE}
xaringanExtra::embed_xaringan(url = "../../covid-vh-ke/nov2020.html", ratio = "4:3")

but I get the error:

/rmd_output/3/covid-vh-ke/nov2020.html not found

I'm missing something about how the relative file structure.