Directory "" is not a Python virtualenv - Python virtualenv not detected in Shiny

It worked! Thank you for your help!
Just a recap for anyone that is going through the same problem:

  • I used the reticulate development version pointed in the tutorial I mentioned before.
  • I wrote this in my app.R:
reticulate::virtualenv_create("python35_env", python = "python3")
reticulate::virtualenv_install("python35_env", packages = c("pandas", "requests", "numpy", "elasticsearch", "elasticsearch_dsl", "requests_aws4auth"))
reticulate::use_virtualenv("python35_env", required = TRUE)
  • I wrote this in my .Rprofile:
# .RProfile
Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "~/.virtualenvs/python35_env/bin/python")