How to create this user panel on top right corner of shiny

thanks for such a great response and I appreciate you taking time and effort writing it. But I am not familiar with JS. Is there any R way of using it like shinyjs or something. I think I only need 2 things

  1. A drop down dutton which has more buttons in it. But somehow I can not write tags$li under tags$ul. it simply doesn't work that way in shiny.

  2. I thought if I could supply an ID as a href to a button it will go to that particular place. so when I run my code it supplies my tabname that is 'file_tab' after 'shiny-tab-' thus the id is 'shiny-tab-file_tab'. But when I supply it to href it doesn't work but it should.

This is what I was trying to write before I opened a request.

    title = 'HR Dashboard',
                tags$li(actionLink("openModal", label = tags$a('click',href='#shiny-tab-file_tab'), icon = icon("info")),
                        class = "dropdown"),
                tags$li(actionLink("openModal", label = "", icon = icon("info")),
                        class = "dropdown")    

Is there any way to improve it. though I know this produces perfect html

  <li class="dropdown">
    <a id="openModal" href="#" class="action-button">
      <i class="fa fa-info"></i>
      <a href="#shiny-tab-file_tab">click</a>
  <li class="dropdown">
    <a id="openModal" href="#" class="action-button">
      <i class="fa fa-info"></i>