How to document S4 methods for an existing generic?

I tried several combinations of the solutions given in those threads but to no avail.

Maybe you may help if I share an example. I want to document the methods for [ operation generic. So my question is: what should be the roxygen2 tags for these 3 methods?

#' @export
          signature(x = "studies", i = "missing", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
          definition = function(x) x)

#' @export
          signature(x = "studies", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
          definition = function(x, i) {
            study_ids <- unique(x@studies$study_id)[i]
            filter_by_id(x, id = study_ids)

#' @export
          signature(x = "studies", i = "character", j = "missing", drop = "missing"),
          definition = function(x, i) {
            filter_by_id(x, id = i)

I tried several combinations of

#' @name
#' @aliases
#' @rdname

but I am always doing something wrong.