Reprex issues...

My understanding is that reproducible example should like this: multiResponse in ufs or other easy ways of creating multiresponse sets but I have issues with using reprex again. I can describe my task as clearly as I can using the data file submitted above but I cannot generate reproducible example. All I can do easily is submitting that:

# The task is correcting values in ModelLong field in the original data.

# Step 1: Substracting variables required to adjust ModelLong

library(stringr) <- %>% 
mutate(VINChar = substring(VIN, 4, 5),
       VINYear = substring(VIN, 10, 10))

library(car)$Year <- recode($VINYear,"'B'=2011;'K'=2019;'L'=2020;8=2008")

# Step 2: Fixing incorrect or missing ModelLong information (THIS IS SOMETHING I NEED YOUR HELP WITH as it's not working) <- %>% 
  mutate_if(ModelLong="aa") # using Year to replace 'aa' by 'aa (new)' or 'aa (old)'
mutate(ModelLong = case_when(
  Year >= 2014 ~ "aa (new)",
  Year < 2014 ~ "aaa (old)"
)) %>%
  mutate_if(ModelLong="ccc") # using VINChar to replace 'ccc' by correct ModelLong code
mutate(ModelLong = case_when(
         VINChar == 'D1' ~ "ccc (2012-2015)",
         VINChar == 'H2' ~ "ccc (2016 ~ )",
         VINChar == 'H3' ~ "ccc (2016 ~ )"
       )) %>%
  mutate_if( = ModelLong)) # using VINChar to create ModelLong code for records with ModelLong code missing
mutate(ModelLong = case_when(
  VINChar == 'D1' ~ "ccc (2012-2015)",
  VINChar == 'H2' ~ "ccc (2016 ~ )",
  VINChar == 'H3' ~ "ccc (2016 ~ )",
  VINChar == 'B3' ~ "ddd",
  VINChar == 'A8' ~ "aaa"))

# Step 3: Creating new variable showing main Models <- %>% 
  mutate(ModelCat = case_when(
    ModelLong =='aa (2014 ~ )' ~ "aa (2014+)",
    ModelLong =='bb (2014 ~ )' ~ "bb (2014+)",
    ModelLong =='ccc (2016 ~ )' ~ "ccc (2016+)",
    TRUE ~ "other"

But I don't want to ask for help if the above description can be perceived as rudeness or require more time from your side.