2 column layout in R markdown?

In Rmd docs with HTML output, I usually have a some visuals followed by some summary text underneath. When I have multiple visuals it makes it more challenging to determine which text is associated with which visuals.

I wondered if there was a way to split the layout into 2 columns, where the left columns is perhaps 3/4 of the default width and the right column the remaining 1/4. This would allow me to add a visual along with summary text beside it rather than above or below it.

On the bookdown documentation site I found references to layout for dashboards. But I'm not building a dashboard, I'm building a report so dashboard format doesn't really fit.

Is there a way to specify e.g. 2 column layout with custom sizes for certain parts of my HTML output?

Something like this - https://bookdown.org/yihui/rmarkdown/tufte-handouts.html?

This looks like it might be what I need. Thanks! Going to give this a try

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