about q(), i have a trouble

i have a trouble in my r code
If i run q() , the message is "Save workspace image to ~/.RData? [y/n]: "
Actually, my friends' message is "Save workspace image to ~/.RData? [y/n/c]: "
There is no "c" in my console! So i can't go ahead when i run this code "q()"
please help!!
Thank you

q() is an alias for quit() and it closes R session. Why do you need to run it and what exactly is the problem?

Also, what is your R version ?

I am sorry to reply late. My R studio version is 64x 3.5.3. what's wrong with my R studio....

I am sorry to reply late. When i put "q()" in my script and run this, the default should be "Save workspace image to ~/.RData? [y/n/c]: " But in my console, the message is "Save workspace image to ~/.RData? [y/n]: ", there is no "c" which is cancel. i know the q() is a code which closes R session but i am curious about why there is no "c"

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