Add more content in descriptionBlock while using ShinyDashboard

Can we add additional text in the description block. For example


If you see total revenue. I would like to add another line under it which would break the revenue like ($20000 Sales,$15000 Maintainance)


which :package: are you using ? I believe it is not just shinydashboard...
Is it shinydashboardPlus ?

What did you try to so far ?

Also, to get more help, you could look at Shiny debugging and reprex guide

Hi snt,

the descriptionBlock() code is the following:

descriptionBlock <- function(number = NULL, number_color = NULL, number_icon = NULL,
                             header = NULL, text = NULL, right_border = TRUE,
                             margin_bottom = FALSE) {
  cl <- "description-block"
  if (isTRUE(right_border)) cl <- paste0(cl, " border-right")
  if (isTRUE(margin_bottom)) cl <- paste0(cl, " margin-bottom")
  numcl <- "description-percentage"
  if (!is.null(number_color)) numcl <- paste0(numcl, " text-", number_color)
    class = cl,
      class = numcl, 
      if (!is.null(number_icon)) shiny::tags$i(class = number_icon)
    shiny::tags$h5(class = "description-header", header),
    shiny::tags$span(class = "description-text", text)

If you want to add an extra line to the block, it happens here:

    class = cl,
      class = numcl, 
      if (!is.null(number_icon)) shiny::tags$i(class = number_icon)
    # add anything here
    shiny::tags$h5(class = "description-header", header),
    # or here
    shiny::tags$span(class = "description-text", text)
    # or here

Feel free to add your code anywhere and overwrite the shinydashboardPlus function by your own descriptionBlock.

But I think this will not render very well...

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