Adjust specific error in code.

Could you help me adjust my Sumpk variable? Unfortunately it gives an error when I run.


df1 <- structure(
  list(date1 = c("2021-06-28","2021-06-28","2021-06-28","2021-06-28"),
       date2 = c("2021-04-02","2021-04-02","2021-04-08","2021-04-08"),
       Code = c("ABC","CDE","ABC","CDE"),
       Week= c("Friday","Friday","Thursday","Thursday"),
       DR1 = c(11,17,14,13),
       DR01 = c(14,11,14,13), DR02= c(14,12,16,17),DR03= c(19,15,14,13),
       DR04 = c(15,14,13,13)),
  class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
> df1
       date1      date2 Code     Week DR1 DR01 DR02 DR03 DR04
1 2021-06-28 2021-04-02  ABC   Friday  11   14   14   19   15
2 2021-06-28 2021-04-02  CDE   Friday  17   11   12   15   14
3 2021-06-28 2021-04-08  ABC Thursday  14   14   16   14   13
4 2021-06-28 2021-04-08  CDE Thursday  13   13   17   13   13
x<-df1 %>% select(starts_with("DR"))

x<-cbind(df1, setNames(df1$DR1 - x, paste0(names(x), "_PV")))
pk<-select(x, date2,Code, Week, DR1, ends_with("PV"))

med<-pk %>%
  group_by(Code, Week) %>%
  summarize(across(ends_with("PV"), median))
> med
# A tibble: 4 x 7
# Groups:   Code [2]
  Code  Week     DR1_PV DR01_PV DR02_PV DR03_PV DR04_PV
  <chr> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
1 ABC   Friday        0      -3      -3      -8      -4
2 ABC   Thursday      0       0      -2       0       1
3 CDE   Friday        0       6       5       2       3
4 CDE   Thursday      0       0      -4       0       0

  pivot_longer(-c(date1:Week)) %>%
  left_join(med %>% rename_with( ~str_remove(., "_PV")) %>% 
              pivot_longer(-Week, values_to = "med")) %>%
  mutate(new_value = value + med) %>%
  select(-c(value:med)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = new_value, 
              names_glue = '{name}_{name}_PV')

enter image description here

Sumpk <- df1 %>% mutate_all(as.character) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-c(date1:Week)) %>%
  left_join(med %>% rename_with( ~str_remove(., "_PV")) %>% mutate_all(as.character) %>%
              pivot_longer(-Week, values_to = "med") ) %>% mutate(
              ) %>%
  mutate(new_value = value + med) %>%
  select(-c(value:med)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = name, values_from = new_value, 
              names_glue = '{name}_{name}_PV')

Sorry @nirgrahamuk, I didn't explain the issue very well. I tweaked the df1 database for better understanding and also inserted the output table in the question. Note that in DR01_DR01_PV it is the sum of DR01 of df1 database with DRO1_PV of variable med

operations <- map(1:4,~parse_expr(glue("DR0{.x} + DR0{.x}_PV"))) %>% 

joined_df %>%   mutate(!!!operations)  %>% select(1:4,ends_with("_result"))

your output table shows 12+(5)=18 , however this would be =17

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