After updating to RStudio 1.2.1009 preview, Markdown produces error "unexpected end of input"

Following the update (on Windows 10), attempting to run any Markdown script fails immediately with:

Error: unexpected end of input
Execution halted

For example, start a new R Markdown file and just accept the default example script it generates (I chose Word output|). Run this script without any changes and I get the error.

In the console I see:

unable to open file 'C:/Users/Stuart/AppData/Local/RStudio-Desktop/notebooks/7CF3D93D-test_word/1/s/c2fk33oaayies_t' for writing opening device failed
Error in (function (filename = "Rplot%03d.png", width = 480, height = 480, :
unable to start png() device

If I check through File Explorer, the directory C:/Users/Stuart/AppData/Local/RStudio-Desktop/notebooks/7CF3D93D-test_word/1/s/c2fk33oaayies is there, but the folder name does not have the trailing "_t" from the temporary file name in the error message. Hence it seems to be trying to create this temporary file in a non-existent folder and is, not surprisingly, failing.

Is this a new bug in this preview release of RStudio?


To add to this:

I just upgraded to v1.2.1009 today and a Rmarkdown file that I was able to render fine yesterday throws this same error message, Error: unexpected end of input\nExecution halted. This happens no matter what the output header parameter is set to.

Reverting back to the latest stable release for now.

Update: After reverting to v1.1.456, all Rmarkdown files now properly render. Something's definitely up with v1.2.

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This was reported and confirmed as an issue, and it looks like it has now been quickly fixed in the latest preview release:


Thanks for the update.