Allow user to select columns from global env dataset in rstudioaddin

I am trying to work on an addin, and I need to:

1- allow users to select a dataset from the global environment (this part I was able to figure out using the instructions from this post How can I access the user's global environment? )

2- all the user to select multiple columns of the dataset to display (and eventually analyze).
I copied this example from the post I mentioned and made some changes but still unable to figure it out. How would I use the names of the variables as choices under selectizeInput?

thank you


# Get contents of GlobalEnv
get_ge <- ls(envir = globalenv())
dd <- map(get_ge, get) # get object contents
names(dd) <- get_ge
# Keep only data.frames
dd <- dd[map_lgl(dd, inherits, what = 'data.frame')]


test_app <- function() {
  # Get contents of GlobalEnv
  get_ge <- ls(envir = globalenv())
  dd <- map(get_ge, get) # get object contents  
  names(dd) <- get_ge
  # Keep only data.frames
  dd <- dd[map_lgl(dd, inherits, what = 'data.frame')]
  ui <- miniPage(
    gadgetTitleBar("Can you hear me?"),
      selectInput('choose', 'Choose data to display',
                  choices = names(dd)),
        inputId = 'vars',
        label = 'select variables',
        choices = names(dd[[input$choose]]),  #how to allow used to pick from the variables in the selected dataset? 
        multiple = TRUE
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$show_me <- renderTable({
      sel.df =[[input$choose]])
      sel.df %>% dplyr:: select(input$vars)  #here I am trying to subset the dataset
  viewer <- dialogViewer('Test')
  runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)


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