Applying custom ranking values within groups using dplyr

I would like to use dplyr::summarize with a custom function that operates on groups within a data frame. Specifically, I want to create a custom rank based on the relative score of grouped entries. See example below:


dat <- data.frame(grp = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 3),
                  score = rnorm(n = 9), 
                  correct = rep(c(T,F,F), 3)) 
#>   grp      score correct
#> 1   A -0.4197577    TRUE
#> 2   A -1.8704389   FALSE
#> 3   A  0.9077843   FALSE
#> 4   B  0.7294849    TRUE
#> 5   B -1.5251637   FALSE
#> 6   B -0.3363766   FALSE
#> 7   C -0.4401990    TRUE
#> 8   C  1.5558136   FALSE
#> 9   C -0.8925630   FALSE

# for each correct entry, determine the relative rank position (RRP) within the group...
# RRP = 0.5 * (1 - ((BC - WC)/(TC - 1)))
# BC : candidates with better score
# WC: candidates with worse score 
# TC: total candidates 

# in the case of grp == 'A'...
with(dat %>%
       group_by(grp) %>%
       filter(grp == 'A'), {
         0.5 * (1 - (length(which(score > score[correct])) - length(which(score < score[correct]))) /
                  (length(score) - 1))
#> [1] 0.5

# work around using sapply...
    with(dat %>%
           group_by(grp) %>%
           filter(grp == !!x_grp), {
             0.5 * (1 - (length(which(score > score[correct])) - length(which(score < score[correct]))) /
                      (length(score) - 1))
  }) %>% cbind(dat[which(dat$correct),], rrp = .)
#>   grp      score correct rrp
#> 1   A -0.4197577    TRUE 0.5
#> 4   B  0.7294849    TRUE 1.0
#> 7   C -0.4401990    TRUE 0.5

# what I want to do... 
dat %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarize(rrp = funs())

Created on 2019-07-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)


Would you clarify what exactly it is you like, because it seems your code is already producing the result you're asking for ...


Thanks for your response. I updated the question to clarify. Mostly, I am interested in a summarize function that will calculate a value based on other values in a group.

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