barchartraceR2D3 - 2020 Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Douglas Azevedo, Lucas Godoy, Luís G. S. e Silva, Augusto Marcolin
Working with Shiny more than 1 year

Abstract: The bar chart race is an awesome visualization tool that provides the evolution of a numerical variable along the time by groups. There are several tools available to create bar chart races. However, there is no standard tool to create such kind of plot in R. Therefore, we use a D3 implementation to create a template for the r2d3 package. Our tool provides three examples as well as a tab in which the user can introduce their own dataset to create a bar chart race.

Full Description:

About the app

barchartraceR2D3 implements the mainstream bar chart race in D3 providing a function to execute it in R.


Quick reading: Highlights

The bar chart race is an awesome visualization tool that provides the evolution of a numerical variable along the time by groups. It is possible to observe how several groups evolve and the competition among them.

There are several tools available to create bar chart races. However, there is no standard tool to create such kind of plot in R. Therefore, we use a D3 implementation provided by Joel Zief and after some customization, we were able to use it as a template for the r2d3 package.

Our tool provides three examples as well as a tab in which the user can introduce their own dataset to create a bar chart race. For each example, the user can set up some parameters as the number of bars, the transition speed, and the mood. The latter provides a palette and a song for a selected mood, helping to create an atmosphere.

COVID-19 bar chart race

The bar chart race is based on the daily counts of new cases, deaths and recovered individuals provided by the Johns Hopkins University for the new COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Brands' value bar chart race

It is a very common example of bar char races. The data is provided by Interbrand and presents the brand value for several brands around the world showing its evolution over time.

Most downloaded R packages in 2019

Based on the top 100 most downloaded R packages last month (cranlogs::cran_top_downloads), the bar chart race presents the cumulative number of downloads of each package from 01/01/2019 until 31/12/2019.

Create your bar chart race

Following the instructions in the upload tab you can create your bar chart race based on your dataset. To do so, you must provide at least three information: 1) A column indicating the group or name of each bar; 2) A date column or at least a numerical one, and; 3) The value to be displayed.

In addition, you can also inform the date label to be displayed (the default is to display the date column) and the color column which can be a vector of characters or HTML colors (the default is to create a random palette based on the column group/name). Finally, you can define whether the values should be accumulated or not (default is 'Yes'). The title, subtitle, and captions are also required but not mandatory.

Press Go! to have your bar chart race.

Download and share it!

Category: Other
Keywords: Visualization, D3, bar chart race, COVID-19
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - voronoys/barchartraceR2D3
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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