Blank screen on Windows

Hello, I'm having a problem with RStudio (installed from anaconda, on it's own environment) showing a blank screen at the beginning and then closing and showing a Download File dialog.

When i run diagnostics I get the following, it stays like that until i hit enter or close it

Also, checking the logs inside the folder RStudio-Desktop I find these messages

11 Jul 2018 03:08:52 [rdesktop] ERROR system error 2 (The system cannot find the file specified); OCCURRED AT: void __cdecl rstudio::core::http::NamedPipeAsyncClient::connectAndWriteRequest(void) C:\Users\builder\m64\conda-bld\rstudio_1519582538781\work\src\cpp\core\include\core/http/NamedPipeAsyncClient.hpp:84; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::desktop::NetworkReply::onError(const class rstudio::core::Error &) C:\Users\builder\m64\conda-bld\rstudio_1519582538781\work\src\cpp\desktop\DesktopNetworkReply.cpp:288
11 Jul 2018 03:13:50 [rdesktop] ERROR system error 2 (The system cannot find the file specified); OCCURRED AT: void __cdecl rstudio::core::http::NamedPipeAsyncClient::connectAndWriteRequest(void) C:\Users\builder\m64\conda-bld\rstudio_1519582538781\work\src\cpp\core\include\core/http/NamedPipeAsyncClient.hpp:84; LOGGED FROM: void __cdecl rstudio::desktop::NetworkReply::onError(const class rstudio::core::Error &) C:\Users\builder\m64\conda-bld\rstudio_1519582538781\work\src\cpp\desktop\DesktopNetworkReply.cpp:288

I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling (including Anaconda) and removing the folder Rstudio-Desktop but nothing has worked. I've also added RStudio.exe and rsession.exe to the windos firewall, but I dont know if there is an additional process or step to do.

Thanks for your help

Just for reference of the old unanswered question on this topic: RStudio Not Working on Windows

Hope you'll find a solution. I don't have it. Maybe related to Anaconda installation and I do not know how it works...

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Sorry you're running into trouble. This problem has been reported before by other users installing the RStudio IDE via anaconda. So far, the only resolution is switching to installing the RStudio IDE as provided directly by RStudio.

See here for more info:

Are you able to try installing the RStudio IDE directly from RStudio (Download RStudio | The Popular Open-Source IDE from Posit)?

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Hello, I am having the same issue on Windows 10 trying to get RStudio 1.1.463 from the RStudio IDE download using the R-3.5.2 version.

When I open RStudio, the entire screen is completely blank. I've already tried to reinstall R and R Studio after a reboot as well as renamed my RStudio Desktop folder.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!