blogdown site formatting issue with blogdown::build_site()

I already have a site created with blogdown and want to make it live. To try it out, I built the site using blogdown::build_site() . After managing to upload all the content from the public folder on Github. I see that the formatting of my site does not match what I have on the localhost when I run blogdown::serve_site(). The site I created is slightly complex since there are many subfolders created under each topic. I used the Hugo Book theme from this github page. The format of the site is the same as shown on the theme's github page.

I also checked the index.html file from the public folder and it looks like the image above. I am not sure how can I make my site to look like the second picture. I would appreciate any help and thank you in advance.

BTW, this has been cross-posted to Issue with site formatting with blogdown::build_site(). · Issue #743 · rstudio/blogdown · GitHub.

See answer in the Github issue

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