bookdown change font text type

my issue is that previously I used R markdown and formatted the type of the text with the following CSS code chunk:

{css, echo=FALSE}
body {
text-align: justify;

of course with ```, but then the header of the chunk disappears here.

My issue is that when I want to use it in a bookdown file, it isnt working.
The Index file:

title: "my title"
author: "Granát Marcell"
output: bookdown::gitbook
site: bookdown::bookdown_site

body {
text-align: justify;


Some random long text to check if the formatting works: nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen blcie nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen
blcie nfrvbincev ceruvhcorie bieurnjc bcifc biuofcqbe bzuen

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