Cannot Print Data Frame

I am using the quantmod package for printing out financial stock information of a Symbol. But the code does not generate any output. Also, the global environment in the Rstudio shows empty.
Rstudio version - Version 1.1.463

 #> A code chunk   
x <- data.frame()
x <- data.frame(getSymbols("APPL", auto.assign = F))

Doesn't seem to like APPL

> x <- data.frame(getSymbols("GE", auto_assign = F))
> x
1                                GE

Your ticker is wrong - Apple is "AAPL".

head(data.frame(getSymbols("AAPL", auto.assign = F)))
##            AAPL.Open AAPL.High AAPL.Low AAPL.Close AAPL.Volume AAPL.Adjusted
## 2007-01-03  12.32714  12.36857 11.70000   11.97143   309579900      8.016820
## 2007-01-04  12.00714  12.27857 11.97429   12.23714   211815100      8.194759
## 2007-01-05  12.25286  12.31428 12.05714   12.15000   208685400      8.136404
## 2007-01-08  12.28000  12.36143 12.18286   12.21000   199276700      8.176582
## 2007-01-09  12.35000  13.28286 12.16429   13.22429   837324600      8.855811
## 2007-01-10  13.53571  13.97143 13.35000   13.85714   738220000      9.279611

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