"Can't subset columns that don't exist"

Hello everybody, I have asked before the same topic about this one on https://forum.posit.co/t/error-in-selecting-variable-from-the-datatable/68387. At first i thought it was the solution but I tried it on different datasets with different variable and it's getting the same error again:

Warning: Error in : Can't subset columns that don't exist.
x The columns dWeight_V2_V1, dWeight_V3_V1, dBodyFat_V2_V1, dBodyFat_V3_V1, Weight, etc. don't exist.

I am gonna repeat the problem that I mentioned before on https://forum.posit.co/t/error-in-selecting-variable-from-the-datatable/68387. When i try to upload different datasets with different variables, an error appears and this is how the code and app looks like:

server <- function(input, output,session) {
  # *** Read in data matrix ***
  df <- reactive({
    # Avoid error message while file is not uploaded yet
    if (is.null(input$file1))  {return(NULL)}
    data<-read.csv(input$file1$datapath, header=input$header, sep=input$sep)
  # Dynamically generate UI input when data is uploaded (on the right side bar) ----
  output$checkbox <- renderUI({
    checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "select_var", 
                       label = "Select variables", 
                       choices = names(df()),
                       selected = names(df()))

# Columns to print ----
  df_sel <- reactive({
  if(input$select_var %in% names(df()))
    df_sel <- df() %>% select(input$select_var)
    df_sel <- NULL # or df() or whatever...

 #Output for the Data Table
  output$contents <- DT::renderDataTable({
    datatable(df_sel(), options = list(pageLength = 12,
      initComplete = JS(
        "function(settings, json) {",
        "$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#000', 'color': '#fff'});",
    )) %>% formatRound(input$DecimalVariable, input$NumberDecimal)

For the first datatable, it works very well and as long as i upload another datatable with the same variables/columns, it works fine. But when i change the upload data file with different variable/columns, the app doesn't work anymore and comes the error as I said(above):

Can anybody help me with this one? Thank you in advance!

Can you provide a shiny reprex ?
Shiny debugging and reprex guide

Sorry for the late reply. Eventually I got a solution for the problem and it works perfectly fine now:

I created another reactive function called df_sel_1 to be printed in the output , while the df_sel just for reading the data.


But thanks anyway for your help!

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