Change color of infoBox

I'm trying to customise the look of an app however color = "red" isn't working in my Shiny app. I can change the background color of all infoBoxes using css, however I want each box to have a different color. When I run the app it's still basic black on white. I've tried multiple colors and nothing changes. Any help is appreciated.

Here's my reprex:


my_value <- 12

ui <- fluidPage(
  fluidRow (
    HTML("<h3><center>Here is my App</center></h3>")
    infoBoxOutput("my_value", width = 3)

# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$my_value <- renderInfoBox({
    infoBox(title = HTML("My Value<br>"),
             value = HTML("<p style='font-size:45px'>",
            color = "red",
            fill = TRUE

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

You're using the shinydashboard boxes outside of shinydashboard (you are using a fluid page), so you'll need shinywidgets.

See edited code below and link.

library(shinyWidgets) # needed if using shinydashboard items outside of shinydashboard

my_value <- 12

ui <- fluidPage(
  useShinydashboard(), # added this
  fluidRow (
    HTML("<h3><center>Here is my App</center></h3>")
    infoBoxOutput("my_value", width = 3)

# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$my_value <- renderInfoBox({
    infoBox(title = HTML("My Value<br>"),
            value = HTML("<p style='font-size:45px'>",
            color = "red",
            fill = TRUE

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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