Colored "sites" in PCA / RDA

Hi all,
I want to do a PCA and RDA with my sites coloured. I try this code to write my sites and the color I want for theses sites but doesn't work

For my RDA

spe.rda <- rda(Spe~., data = Env)

plot(spe.rda, scaling=2, main="Triplot RDA (scaling 2)", xlim=c(-2,1.5), ylim=c(-1.25,1.5))
col[h=="A1" | h=="A7" | h=="A3" | h=="A4" | h=="A5"] = "darkgreen"
col[h=="A6" | h=="A2"] = "red"
text(Env, display = "sites", col = col)

For my PCA

res.pca <- prcomp(Env[,5:13], scale = TRUE)
             col.var = "cos2", 
             gradient.cols = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800", "#FC4E07"),
             repel = TRUE
             ) +
col[h=="A1" | h=="A7" | h=="A3" | h=="A4" | h=="A5"] = "darkgreen"
col[h=="A6" | h=="A2"] = "red"
text(Env, display = "sites", col = col)


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