Concatenate function

Hi - I am new to Rstudio and I just wanted some help in using the concatenate function. I have a file with 450 female weights and 450 male weight samples. Now I want to create a combined list so that I can access the female and male weights together. I tried writing the concatenate function, but I keep getting errors and I cannot move forward. I wanted to see how to correctly write out the concatenate function.

Many thanks

Hi, welcome!

To help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this guide, to see how to create one:

Hi, I have written below the first 5 pieces of data,

Male     Female
95         72
46         64
66         59
67         45
101       81

The table aims to show the weights of different males and females. I want to create a combined list of the data for males and females, and I was told you do this using the concatenate function.

Hi, and welcome!

This isn’t quite a reprex, so I have to ask whether this is your text file or an R data frame.

If it’s a data frame, you’re done. If it’s the source, read it in with read.csv. If it’s what you’re trying to do, we need more information.

In any event the c operator in R very likely doesn’t enter into a solution


I have just realised what I was doing wrong - the error I had was due to the way I wrote down the function. Kind regards

It would be useful for others facing a similar issue if you share the actual coding solution to your problem.

Also, by using c() function over Male and Female you would be losing information about the sex, I think it would be better to reshape your dataset to a long format keeping all information, see this example:


weights <- data.frame(
        Male = c(95, 46, 66, 67, 101),
      Female = c(72, 64, 59, 45, 81)

weights %>% 
    gather(sex, weight)
#>       sex weight
#> 1    Male     95
#> 2    Male     46
#> 3    Male     66
#> 4    Male     67
#> 5    Male    101
#> 6  Female     72
#> 7  Female     64
#> 8  Female     59
#> 9  Female     45
#> 10 Female     81

Created on 2019-11-30 by the reprex package (v0.3.0.9000)

This would enable you to perform comparisons more easily, for example


weights <- data.frame(
        Male = c(95, 46, 66, 67, 101),
      Female = c(72, 64, 59, 45, 81)

weights %>% 
    gather(sex, weight) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = sex, y = weight, fill = sex)) +