Conceptual Question on rmarkdown, params, latex

Really trying to up my game building a standardized package of docs for use in my resume editing business. I have scrutinized most of the CVs and resumes on github. One of the things I am struggling with is many users have either: 1) a mix of rmd and latex in the rmd doc leaving the heavy lifting to the tex file, 2) code a bunch of params in metablocks and pass to tex file, or some custom balance between the two.

As I am building a fast, flexible template system, is #2 the right way to go or is there a better path? Ultimately (version 2.0) I would like a shiny app where I can expand/contract/omit sections, dump in params (client's particulars) and render quickly.

As an aside, I can pass params to the tex file w/o a problem, but I can't understand yet how rmd gets passed the same file. Some examples I have seen do not have any tie-in between the "body" of content in the rmd file and the "body" of content rendered by the tex file.

Note: I am aware of the 'resumer' package and other similar attempts but I do not want to negotiate CSVs to input data for large volumes of clients. Spreadsheets are the devil.


This definitely doesn't address all of your questions, but have you looked at the documentation around parameterized reports using RMarkdown?

Your use-case is different from most examples, but having the parameters in the YAML/front-matter is one way of dealing with variables you want to pass into the body of your file.

Hi Mara- Thanks for the timely response. Been thru it a few times. Looking at a number of examples, there seems to be no "right" way to do it in terms of how much is handled by rmarkdown vs. latex (as seen through a beginner's eyes). I will have to trudge thru getting to know the latter better. Just tonight, I was trying to get "subtitle:" in the rmd yaml to render and found out through trial-and-error, when using a supplemental .tex file in the header, it masks the base latex.tex template code. So lot to learn still.

Yeah, I don't know much in the way of TeX. You might want to check out Yihui's books on RMarkdown with knitr and sweave, which I believe are avail online (sorry, I'm on the go atm).