Convert row in columns


I have a data like this:


I'd like to convert the variable column in multiple columns, like this:


Can someone help me?

Hi @Gabbi,

You need an ID column that uniquely identifies which values of age, name, and height correspond to a single row in the desired output. With that, you can achieve this transformation with the following code:


data <- 
    ~variable, ~value,
    "age", "23",
    "age", "44",
    "age", "21",
    "name", "a",
    "name", "b",
    "name", "c",
    "height", "1",
    "height", "2",
    "height", "3"

data %>% 
  mutate(id = rep(1:3, 3)) %>% 
    id_cols = id,
    names_from = variable,
    values_from = value
#> # A tibble: 3 x 4
#>      id age   name  height
#>   <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> 
#> 1     1 23    a     1     
#> 2     2 44    b     2     
#> 3     3 21    c     3
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It works, thank you!! =)

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