correlation between time series/panel data


I have panel data/time series for 150 neighbourhoods and their annual crime rates for 8 years and my question is that what is the easiest way to do correlation/lagged correlations between crime rates in different neighbourhoods.

the data looks like:

neighbourhood   year1 year2 year3 year4  .  .  .  year8
       1        23.4   26.3  25.1  28.4 
       2        12.3   14.6  16.7  15.4
       3        20.8   22.3  21.8  23.3
       4        33.4   30.6  28.6  27.3
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The tsibble and feasts packages can be used to do this relatively easily.

First I'll create some data that is in the same format as yours.


df <- data.frame(
  neighbourhood = 1:150,
  year1 = 100 * runif(150),
  year2 = 100 * runif(150),
  year3 = 100 * runif(150),
  year4 = 100 * runif(150),
  year5 = 100 * runif(150),
  year6 = 100 * runif(150),
  year7 = 100 * runif(150),
  year8 = 100 * runif(150)

Now we will turn it into a tsibble with year as the index and neighbourhood as a key.

df <- df  %>%
  pivot_longer(year1:year8, names_to = "year", values_to = "crime") %>%
    year = as.numeric(stringr::str_sub(year, 5, 5))
  ) %>%
  as_tsibble(index = year, key = neighbourhood)
#> # A tsibble: 1,200 x 3 [1]
#> # Key:       neighbourhood [150]
#>    neighbourhood  year crime
#>            <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1             1     1 32.7 
#>  2             1     2 13.0 
#>  3             1     3 70.6 
#>  4             1     4 96.1 
#>  5             1     5 28.4 
#>  6             1     6 43.3 
#>  7             1     7 73.2 
#>  8             1     8 37.4 
#>  9             2     1 95.3 
#> 10             2     2  4.57
#> # … with 1,190 more rows

The autocorrelations for all 150 neighbourhoods are now very easy to compute using ACF().

# Lagged correlations within neighbourhoods
df %>% ACF(crime, lag_max = 3)
#> # A tsibble: 450 x 3 [1]
#> # Key:       neighbourhood [150]
#>    neighbourhood   lag     acf
#>            <int> <lag>   <dbl>
#>  1             1     1 -0.0842
#>  2             1     2 -0.592 
#>  3             1     3  0.225 
#>  4             2     1 -0.421 
#>  5             2     2  0.0537
#>  6             2     3 -0.0429
#>  7             3     1  0.0206
#>  8             3     2 -0.626 
#>  9             3     3 -0.108 
#> 10             4     1  0.0885
#> # … with 440 more rows

Computing cross-correlations can be done using CCF() but it requires two variables. So first we have to extend our tsibble to be keyed by all pairs of neighbourhoods.

# Create long tibble containing all pairs of neighbourhoods
pairs <- df %>%
  mutate(n2 = neighbourhood) %>%
  expand(year, neighbourhood, n2) %>%
  left_join(df, by = c("year", "neighbourhood")) %>%
    neighbourhoodA = neighbourhood,
    crimeA = crime,
    neighbourhood = n2
  ) %>%
  left_join(df, by = c("year", "neighbourhood")) %>%
    crimeB = crime,
    neighbourhoodB = neighbourhood
  ) %>%
  as_tsibble(index = year, key = c(neighbourhoodA, neighbourhoodB))
#> # A tsibble: 180,000 x 5 [1]
#> # Key:       neighbourhoodA, neighbourhoodB [22,500]
#>     year neighbourhoodA neighbourhoodB crimeA crimeB
#>    <dbl>          <int>          <int>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1              1              1   32.7  32.7 
#>  2     2              1              1   13.0  13.0 
#>  3     3              1              1   70.6  70.6 
#>  4     4              1              1   96.1  96.1 
#>  5     5              1              1   28.4  28.4 
#>  6     6              1              1   43.3  43.3 
#>  7     7              1              1   73.2  73.2 
#>  8     8              1              1   37.4  37.4 
#>  9     1              1              2   32.7  95.3 
#> 10     2              1              2   13.0   4.57
#> # … with 179,990 more rows

Finally, we can compute the cross-correlations for all 22,500 pairs of neighbourhoods.

# Lagged cross-correlations between neighbourhoods
pairs %>% CCF(crimeA, crimeB, lag_max = 3)
#> # A tsibble: 157,500 x 4 [1]
#> # Key:       neighbourhoodA, neighbourhoodB [22,500]
#>    neighbourhoodA neighbourhoodB   lag     ccf
#>             <int>          <int> <lag>   <dbl>
#>  1              1              1    -3  0.225 
#>  2              1              1    -2 -0.592 
#>  3              1              1    -1 -0.0842
#>  4              1              1     0  1     
#>  5              1              1     1 -0.0842
#>  6              1              1     2 -0.592 
#>  7              1              1     3  0.225 
#>  8              1              2    -3  0.191 
#>  9              1              2    -2  0.459 
#> 10              1              2    -1 -0.237 
#> # … with 157,490 more rows

Created on 2020-05-08 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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robjhyndman, Thank you so much for taking the time to write this detailed answer. I really appreciate it. My final goal is to have a correlation matrix (a matrix of 150 by 150 or 22500 element) and then I want to transform this matrix into an adjacency matrix to draw a network of highly correlated neighbourhood. So is possible to have the laged-correlation results as matrix 150 by 150? I mean converting the long-shaped df to a correlation matrix

Thanks again

There are 22500 correlations for each lag. My analysis did this for 7 lags (-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3) so there are 157500 correlations computed. So I assume you want a 150x150 matrix for each lag.

Here is an example for lag 1, converted to a matrix with neighbourhoods as row and column names.

ccf <- pairs %>% CCF(crimeA, crimeB, lag_max = 3)

lag1 <- ccf %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  filter(lag==1) %>%
  select(-lag) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from="neighbourhoodB", values_from="ccf") %>% %>%
  select(-neighbourhoodA) %>%

many thanks robjhyndman for your time. It worked well. Last question, I wanted to get the matrix upper/lower triangular I noticed that that the diagonal elements of the laged-correlation matrix are not Ones which I always see in correlation matrix, I mean the correlation between a neighbourhood with its self is not 1, is that normal?

The lag k correlation between time series \{X_t\} and \{Y_t\} is given by
r_{XY}(k) = \text{Corr}(X_t, Y_{t-k})
In general, r_{YY}(k) \ne 1 unless k=0.

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