Couple of Shiny Bookmarking queries

Just revisiting bookmarking and appreciating how powerful it can be for parametizing a complex shiny site. Couple of points

a) Back in May re saving to server

Support in is in development and testing.

Any progress likely on this front

b) Is there anyway the url version can be abbreviated? I tried to save one such to bitly but it did not like the format
This would be useful in tweets, for example. If it is feasible, a button to automate when it is displayed in pop-up would be appreciated. As a minor point a save button along with the dismiss one would be slight enhacement on requirement to Ctrl+C


Okay. Obviously not a major concern to the community ... but just wondering if an RStudio shiny expert could provide update
I'd definitely find it very helpul

It seems to work with bitly for me:

@winston. Thanks. That link does work
However when I repost into bitly I still get this response

Can you detail your process i.e did you use extension/which browser

I just copied the URL and pasted it in the box at using Chrome on Mac.

OK I switched to tinyurl. They also showed it up as an error but offer alternatives (without spaces)

Hopefully I can use their service for all my bookmarks without issue