Create a function with many parameters and apply it over a list in R

I have a list which includes 2 data.frames (i.e. text files) and would like to apply some analysis on them . I performed my analysis to a single data.drame but I want to do the same (analysis) over my list. I am a bit confused on how to do that. My code for the single data.frame is below:


#import .txt file
d = read.table("vourlionas.txt",
               header = FALSE,
               col.names=c("x", "y"), 
               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#remove the 1st row of the .txt file
d2 = d[-1,]

d3 = substr(d2$x, 1, 6)   
d4 = substr(d2$y, 1, 7)

df <- cbind(d3, d4)

df1 <-

b = apply(as.matrix(df1),2,as.character)

#rename the column names of the matrix
colnames(b) [1] = paste("x")

mode(b) = "numeric"

b2 <-

ch <- chull(b2)
coords <- b2[c(ch, ch[1]), ]

sp_poly <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(coords)), ID=1)))

proj4string(sp_poly) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2100")

sp_poly_df <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_poly, data=data.frame(ID=1))

test1 = spTransform(sp_poly_df, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")

writeOGR(obj=test1, dsn="mydir", layer = "r"
         driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE)

When I try to create a function and pass it over the list, instead of getting 2 shapefiles I am getting only one:


#Get list of files
temp = list.files(mydir,pattern="*.txt$",full.names = TRUE)
fn = list.files(mydir,pattern="*.txt$")


temp = temp %>%
  #load in your table
  mutate(data = map(value,~read.table(.,header = FALSE,
                                      col.names=c("x", "y"), 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))

#Your function

myfunction = function(temp,save_name){

  #remove the 1st row of the .txt file
  d2 = temp[-1,]

  d3 = substr(d2$x, 1, 6)   
  d4 = substr(d2$y, 1, 7)

  df <- cbind(d3, d4)

  df1 <-

  b = apply(as.matrix(df1),2,as.character)

  #rename the column names of the matrix
  colnames(b) [1] = paste("x")

  mode(b) = "numeric"

  b2 <-

  ch <- chull(b2)
  coords <- b2[c(ch, ch[1]), ]

  sp_poly <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(coords)), ID=1)))

  proj4string(sp_poly) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2100")

  sp_poly_df <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_poly, data=data.frame(ID=1))

  test1 = spTransform(sp_poly_df, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")

  writeOGR(obj=test1, dsn="mydir", layer = "r",
           driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE)



Any thoughts? I have posted the same question here, but the answer I have got was incorrect.

Hi @nikos_geo, if you run myfunction <- Vectorize(myfunction) before applying it, does that help? Functions often need to be vectorized in order to work with map-like tools.

Thank your for the reply. Unfortunately no, it didn't help. I can't understand why the function is performing the analysis only in 1 data.frame and not in the entire list.

Could you post a sample of the contents of temp by pasting the output of dput(temp %>% head()) here?

structure(list(name = 1:2, value = c("C:/Users/ntziokas/Desktop/auto/3063731380325.txt", 
"C:/Users/ntziokas/Desktop/auto/3073749905003.txt"), savedir = c("C:/Users/ntziokas/Desktop/auto/3063731380325.txt", 
"C:/Users/ntziokas/Desktop/auto/3073749905003.txt"), data = list(
    structure(list(x = c("x", "306210.926", "306317.914", "306358.873", 
    "306366.352", "306368.777", "306260.655", "306259.157", "306256.893", 
    "306209.826", "306210.926"), y = c("y", "4373977.512", "4373838.333", 
    "4373869.788", "4373874.506", "4373876.006", "4374015.196", 
    "4374014.559", "4374015.263", "4373978.943", "4373977.512"
    )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -11L)), structure(list(
        x = c("x", "307861.71", "307860.036", "307856.292", "307898.422", 
        "307949.512", "307956.067", "307861.73", "307861.71"), 
        y = c("y", "4374154.479", "4374095.852", "4373964.716", 
        "4373964.716", "4373963.374", "4374151.803", "4374155.143", 
        "4374154.479")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
    -9L)))), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", 

I'm not sure if this is part of the issue yet, but if you run temp$data %>% pluck(1), you'll see that column names have been duplicated.

I see you strip the duplicates out in the function. More soon...

Yes, you are right. Not sure why this happened. I will try to fix it and will come back. Thank you for your help.

For the purposes of your question, you may not need to fix it -- the code inside the function worked previously, and stripped the extra row out.

I can't understand. The code inside the function works perfectly but it's not applied on the whole list, just on the first data frame of the list. Do you have any other thoughts?

Your code is written so as to output any give result to a singular folder 'mydir' writing out 4 objects.
what do you want the result to be ?
write out multple outputs to multipy directories?
or have a file labelling scheme for everything going into 'mydir' ?

The result I want to be 2 shapefiles (because I have 2 data.frames).

Have you looked to see the output of your writeOGR in mydir ?
it produces

Do you need all of these ? do you care only for the shp file ?
do you want to write out the R object representing test1 functions save() and saveRDS() are possibilities. They would naturally write out exactly one file, and not the 4 that writeOGR is producing for you.

yes I have. I need all 4 files because each file contains spatial information about the polygon (the r.shp file), which means I need 8 files (4 files for every element in my original list).

This works for me:

temp <- structure(savelabel = c(
  "3073749905003"), data = list(
  structure(list(x = c(
    "x", "306210.926", "306317.914", "306358.873",
    "306366.352", "306368.777", "306260.655", "306259.157", "306256.893",
    "306209.826", "306210.926"
  ), y = c(
    "y", "4373977.512", "4373838.333",
    "4373869.788", "4373874.506", "4373876.006", "4374015.196",
    "4374014.559", "4374015.263", "4373978.943", "4373977.512"
  )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -11L)), structure(list(
    x = c(
      "x", "307861.71", "307860.036", "307856.292", "307898.422",
      "307949.512", "307956.067", "307861.73", "307861.71"
    y = c(
      "y", "4374154.479", "4374095.852", "4373964.716",
      "4373964.716", "4373963.374", "4374151.803", "4374155.143",
  ), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(
)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c(
  "tbl_df", "tbl",

# Your function
myfunction <- function(temp, save_name) {

  # remove the 1st row of the .txt file
  d2 <- temp[-1, ]

  d3 <- substr(d2$x, 1, 6)
  d4 <- substr(d2$y, 1, 7)

  df <- cbind(d3, d4)

  df1 <-

  b <- apply(as.matrix(df1), 2, as.character)

  # rename the column names of the matrix
  colnames(b) [1] <- paste("x")

  mode(b) <- "numeric"

  b2 <-

  ch <- chull(b2)
  coords <- b2[c(ch, ch[1]), ]

  sp_poly <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(coords)), ID = 1)))

  proj4string(sp_poly) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2100")

  sp_poly_df <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_poly, data = data.frame(ID = 1))

  test1 <- spTransform(sp_poly_df, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")

    obj = test1, dsn = "mydir", layer = "r",
    driver = "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE
  file.rename(from = "mydir/r.shp",paste0("mydir/",save_name,".shp"))
  file.rename(from = "mydir/r.shx",paste0("mydir/",save_name,".shx"))
  file.rename(from = "mydir/r.dbf",paste0("mydir/",save_name,".dbf"))
  file.rename(from = "mydir/r.prj",paste0("mydir/",save_name,".prj"))

walk2(temp$data, temp$savelabel, ~ myfunction(.x, .y))

I will test it now and I will inform you about the results. Thank you for your help.

Could you change the value of the layer = argument to get the same result?

    obj = test1, dsn = "mydir", layer = "save_name",
    driver = "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE
1 Like

seems more elegant dromano, I don't have experience of OGR (whatever that stands for :laughing:, so i used an 'external' approach. cheers for your experise.

I actually don't know if it works -- I can't get that function to work on my machine for some reason.

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