Create new column with name of column closest in value to target

I'm analyzing donor data from an appeal. Let's say we have this data frame, which has an ID, the amount given, and the ask amounts from an appeal card:

dfgive <- data.frame(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
   gift = c(20, 1000, 1500, 300, 500),
   ask1 = c(50, 5000, 5000, 100, 2500),
   ask2 = c(100, 3750, 3750, 250, 5000),
   ask3 = c(250, 2500, 2500, 500, 10000),
   gift_diff_1 = c(-30, -4000, -3500, 200, -2000),
   gift_diff_2 = c(-80, -2750, -2250, 50, -4500),
   gift_diff_3 = c(-230, -1500, -1000, -200, -9500),
   mindiff = c(-230, -4000, -3500, -200, -9500))

The gift difference from each ask amount and the minimum difference were created with the code below.

mutate(gift_diff_1 = gift - ask1) %>%
   mutate(gift_diff_2 = gift - ask2) %>%
   mutate(gift_diff_3 = gift - ask3) %>%
   mutate(mindiff=min(gift_diff_1, gift_diff_2, gift_diff_3))

What I'm hoping to do next is create a new column called gift_closest that would identify which of the ask amounts (ask1, ask2, or ask3) is closest in absolute value to the gift. We could use either the derived gift_diff columns or do it wholly within the equation. I can't get my head around how to best do it.

The value of the new column would be one of "ask1", "ask2", or "ask3". Ideally in a dplyr chain as that's where I'm creating the entire data set which will include a bunch of demographic fields.


Got a quick response on stackoverflow which answered the question for reference...

dfgive %>%
  mutate(abs = pmin(abs(gift - ask1), abs(gift - ask2), abs(gift - ask3)),
         gift_close = case_when(abs(gift - ask1) == abs ~ "ask1",
                                abs(gift - ask2) == abs ~ "ask2",
                                abs(gift - ask3) == abs ~ "ask3",
                                TRUE ~ NA_character_))

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