Create package wrapping around "odbc"

I'm trying to create a trivial package which wraps around the odbc package, basically omitting the connection argument. For now, the package will have a single function:


getQuery <- function(sql) {
  con <- dbConnect(odbc(),
                   Driver = "SQL Server",
                   Server = "Foo",
                   UID = "user",
                   PWD = "password")
  return(dbGetQuery(con, sql))

I created the package with usethis:


I then modified my code to use the proper namespace and omit the library call:

# sql_con.R
getQuery <- function(sql) {
  con <- odbc::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                         Driver = "SQL Server",
                         Server = "Foo",
                         UID = "user",
                         PWD = "password")
  return(odbc::dbGetQuery(con, sql))

I also modified the NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files:

importMethodsFrom(odbc, dbGetQuery, dbConnect)

Package: pkg
Type: Package
Title: What the Package Does (Title Case)
Version: 0.1.0
Author: Who wrote it
Maintainer: The package maintainer <>
Description: More about what it does (maybe more than one line)
    Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.
License: What license is it under?
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true

Building the package works fine, no errors. Running a check also finds no errors (but complains about the lack of man pages and license information in DESCRIPTION).

However, if I try to use my package, I get an error:

getQuery(" SELECT * FROM FooDB")
# Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
#   unable to find an inherited method for function ‘dbGetQuery’ for signature ‘"Microsoft SQL Server", "character"’

If I instead just source() the package code, it works fine.

I don't know if this is relevant, but exploring with showMethods("dbGetQuery") indicates that the inherited method is only created when needed. That is, loading odbc does not create the method with the "Microsoft SQL Server" signature. It's only created once dbGetQuery is actually called with the relevant signature:


# Function: dbGetQuery (package DBI)
# conn="DBIConnection", statement="character"
# conn="OdbcConnection", statement="character"

con <- odbc::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                         Driver = "SQL Server",
                         Server = "Foo",
                         UID = "user",
                         PWD = "password")
# Function: dbGetQuery (package DBI)
# conn="DBIConnection", statement="character"
# conn="OdbcConnection", statement="character"

dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM Foo")
# Function: dbGetQuery (package DBI)
# conn="DBIConnection", statement="character"
# conn="Microsoft SQL Server", statement="character"
#     (inherited from: conn="OdbcConnection", statement="character")
# conn="OdbcConnection", statement="character"

Am I missing anything? I don't know how else to tell R I really need everything odbc can offer me.

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I realized I'd done countless changes to this package trying to get it to work, and decided to do a "clean reinstall" of the package: deleted it and recreated it from scratch in this final form.

For some reason, that worked. Dunno if some configuration got corrupted or what happened, but now the package is working, even though it is literally identical to the code I posted here and which wasn't working.

Go figure.

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