"data set not found" error

I am new to R studio, trying load a dataset txt file from DAVID to use it with the GoPlot package to plot it, but I got "data set not found" error when I try to load the file.




when I run the above code it installs the package then gives me "data set not found" error on the 3rd line.

Warning message:
In data(David_table_Example) : data set ‘David_table_Example’ not found


That explains it, doesn't it?

Where is your dataset? What form is it in? Is it a delimited text file?

[quote="williaml, post:2, topic:95527, full:true"]

That explains it, doesn't it?

Where is your dataset? What form is it in? Is it a delimited text file?

Well that's how the file looks, I am not very good in dataset forms nor types of text files, sorry.

It might be space or tab delimited. Have a look at these examples:

Hi Abdalrahman,

I have never used GOplot but I had a quick look at he documentation and it looks like the author(s) have stored the sample data.frames ("eset" , "genelist", "david" , "genes", "process" * in a list called EC

To access the data.frame david you will need to do something like

david  <-  EC$david


david  <-  EC[[3]]

Now david is the data,frame that I think you want.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for helping so far, I tried installing and using the readr package (in case it is a delimited file) but it I keep getting the same error.

The second link didn't help.

Well I put the lines in to access the data frame as you said and then tried to run the data() line to load the file but still got the same error.

See the vignette:

Try data(EC$david)

We do not need a data() command. GOplot loads the data set EC as a list automatically

Just do

david  <-  EC$david
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