dbRDA plot vector error

Hello. I am in the problem with dbRDA plot error(R 3.5.2).

I am trying to draw dbrda plot with microbial data and environmental data through 'hellinger' and "dist=bray".

In environmental data, there are seven parameters but in the plot, there are only four parameters.

The below information is about microbial data frame (=vasc.hell)
microbe1 microbe2 microbe3 microbe4 ......
ST1 0.5 0.8 0.2 0
ST2 0 0.1 0 0.3
ST3 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.1
ST4 ...

Below information is about environmental data frame(7 parameters).(=chem)
Latitue Salinity Temperature Silicate DIN Phosphate Chl-aST3

vare.cap <- dbrda(vasc.hell ~., chem, dist="bray")

In console, there is no error.
When I changed the parameters' sequence, it also draw only four parameters.
How can I draw dbrda plot with all vectors??

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