Deploy failed in netlify

I was trying to use a custom css, after commit and push changes , I realised that the deploy failed in netlify, I was unable to find and fix the error, so any help is appreciated.

Link to the Repo

Error: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255

Deploy log:

12:15:38 PM: Build ready to start
12:15:40 PM: build-image version: 6b66e79d54a8f76b01392124644c3052ac0d32ef
12:15:40 PM: build-image tag: v3.3.6
12:15:40 PM: buildbot version: 2ba6f2db8150441c8469e6ae3ab3561a2c9d03fa
12:15:41 PM: Fetching cached dependencies
12:15:41 PM: Starting to download cache of 254.9KB
12:15:41 PM: Finished downloading cache in 73.754404ms
12:15:41 PM: Starting to extract cache
12:15:41 PM: Failed to fetch cache, continuing with build
12:15:41 PM: Starting to prepare the repo for build
12:15:41 PM: No cached dependencies found. Cloning fresh repo
12:15:41 PM: git clone
12:15:43 PM: Preparing Git Reference refs/heads/master
12:15:44 PM: Found Netlify configuration file netlify.toml in site root
12:15:44 PM: Found Netlify configuration file(s). Overriding site configuration
12:15:44 PM: Starting build script
12:15:44 PM: Installing dependencies
12:15:45 PM: v10.19.0 is already installed.
12:15:46 PM: Now using node v10.19.0 (npm v6.13.4)
12:15:46 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.6.2, read from environment
12:15:48 PM: Using ruby version 2.6.2
12:15:48 PM: Using PHP version 5.6
12:15:48 PM: Installing Hugo 0.67.0
12:15:49 PM: Hugo Static Site Generator v0.67.0-7F1DA3EF/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-03-09T20:44:34Z
12:15:49 PM: Started restoring cached go cache
12:15:50 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache
12:15:50 PM: unset GOOS;
12:15:50 PM: unset GOARCH;
12:15:50 PM: export GOROOT='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64';
12:15:50 PM: export PATH="/opt/buildhome/.gimme/versions/go1.12.linux.amd64/bin:{PATH}"; 12:15:50 PM: go version >&2; 12:15:50 PM: export GIMME_ENV='/opt/buildhome/.gimme/env/go1.12.linux.amd64.env'; 12:15:50 PM: go version go1.12 linux/amd64 12:15:50 PM: Installing missing commands 12:15:50 PM: Verify run directory 12:15:50 PM: Executing user command: hugo 12:15:50 PM: Building sites … 12:15:50 PM: WARN 2020/03/11 12:15:50 Page.Hugo is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the global hugo function. 12:15:50 PM: WARN 2020/03/11 12:15:50 Page.RSSLink is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the Output Format's link, e.g. something like: 12:15:50 PM: {{ with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" }}{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }} 12:15:50 PM: WARN 2020/03/11 12:15:50 .File.TranslationBaseName on zero object. Wrap it in if or with: {{ with .File }}{{ .TranslationBaseName }}{{ end }} 12:15:50 PM: ERROR 2020/03/11 12:15:50 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "article_metadata" (dict "content" . "is_list" 0)>: error calling partial: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/article_metadata.html:37:18": execute of template failed: template: partials/article_metadata.html:37:18: executing "partials/article_metadata.html" at <.Site.GetPage>: error calling GetPage: too many arguments to .Site.GetPage: [taxonomyTerm categories Democratising_forecasting]. Use lookups on the form {{ .Site.GetPage "/posts/mypage-md" }}
12:15:50 PM: ERROR 2020/03/11 12:15:50 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "article_metadata" (dict "content" . "is_list" 0)>: error calling partial: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/article_metadata.html:37:18": execute of template failed: template: partials/article_metadata.html:37:18: executing "partials/article_metadata.html" at <.Site.GetPage>: error calling GetPage: too many arguments to .Site.GetPage: [taxonomyTerm categories Democratising_forecasting]. Use lookups on the form {{ .Site.GetPage "/posts/mypage-md" }} 12:15:50 PM: ERROR 2020/03/11 12:15:50 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "article_metadata" (dict "content" . "is_list" 0)>: error calling partial: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/article_metadata.html:37:18": execute of template failed: template: partials/article_metadata.html:37:18: executing "partials/article_metadata.html" at <.Site.GetPage>: error calling GetPage: too many arguments to .Site.GetPage: [taxonomyTerm categories Forecasting for Social Good]. Use lookups on the form {{ .Site.GetPage "/posts/mypage-md" }}
12:15:50 PM: ERROR 2020/03/11 12:15:50 render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "article_metadata" (dict "content" . "is_list" 0)>: error calling partial: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/article_metadata.html:37:18": execute of template failed: template: partials/article_metadata.html:37:18: executing "partials/article_metadata.html" at <.Site.GetPage>: error calling GetPage: too many arguments to .Site.GetPage: [taxonomyTerm categories Democratising_forecasting]. Use lookups on the form {{ .Site.GetPage "/posts/mypage-md" }} 12:15:50 PM: Total in 210 ms 12:15:50 PM: Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: _default/single.html:11:7: executing "_default/single.html" at <partial "article_metadata" (dict "content" . "is_list" 0)>: error calling partial: "/opt/build/repo/themes/hugo-academic/layouts/partials/article_metadata.html:37:18": execute of template failed: template: partials/article_metadata.html:37:18: executing "partials/article_metadata.html" at <.Site.GetPage>: error calling GetPage: too many arguments to .Site.GetPage: [taxonomyTerm categories Democratising_forecasting]. Use lookups on the form {{ .Site.GetPage "/posts/mypage-md" }}
12:15:50 PM: Usage:
12:15:50 PM: hugo [flags]
12:15:50 PM: hugo [command]
12:15:50 PM: Available Commands:
12:15:50 PM: config Print the site configuration
12:15:50 PM: convert Convert your content to different formats
12:15:50 PM: deploy Deploy your site to a Cloud provider.
12:15:50 PM: env Print Hugo version and environment info
12:15:50 PM: gen A collection of several useful generators.
12:15:50 PM: help Help about any command
12:15:50 PM: import Import your site from others.
12:15:50 PM: list Listing out various types of content
12:15:50 PM: mod Various Hugo Modules helpers.
12:15:50 PM: new Create new content for your site
12:15:50 PM: server A high performance webserver
12:15:50 PM: version Print the version number of Hugo
12:15:50 PM: Flags:
12:15:50 PM: -b, --baseURL string hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
12:15:50 PM: -D, --buildDrafts include content marked as draft
12:15:50 PM: -E, --buildExpired include expired content
12:15:50 PM: -F, --buildFuture include content with publishdate in the future
12:15:50 PM: --cacheDir string filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
12:15:50 PM: --cleanDestinationDir remove files from destination not found in static directories
12:15:50 PM: --config string config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
12:15:50 PM: --configDir string config dir (default "config")
12:15:50 PM: -c, --contentDir string filesystem path to content directory
12:15:50 PM: --debug debug output
12:15:50 PM: -d, --destination string filesystem path to write files to
12:15:50 PM: --disableKinds strings disable different kind of pages (home, RSS etc.)
12:15:50 PM: --enableGitInfo add Git revision, date and author info to the pages
12:15:50 PM: -e, --environment string build environment
12:15:50 PM: --forceSyncStatic copy all files when static is changed.
12:15:50 PM: --gc enable to run some cleanup tasks (remove unused cache files) after the build
12:15:50 PM: -h, --help help for hugo
12:15:50 PM: --i18n-warnings print missing translations
12:15:50 PM: --ignoreCache ignores the cache directory
12:15:50 PM: --ignoreVendor ignores any _vendor directory
12:15:50 PM: -l, --layoutDir string filesystem path to layout directory
12:15:50 PM: --log enable Logging
12:15:50 PM: --logFile string log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
12:15:50 PM: --minify minify any supported output format (HTML, XML etc.)
12:15:50 PM: --noChmod don't sync permission mode of files
12:15:50 PM: --noTimes don't sync modification time of files
12:15:50 PM: --path-warnings print warnings on duplicate target paths etc.
12:15:50 PM: --quiet build in quiet mode
12:15:50 PM: --renderToMemory render to memory (only useful for benchmark testing)
12:15:50 PM: -s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
12:15:50 PM: --templateMetrics display metrics about template executions
12:15:50 PM: --templateMetricsHints calculate some improvement hints when combined with --templateMetrics
12:15:50 PM: -t, --theme strings themes to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
12:15:50 PM: --themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
12:15:50 PM: --trace file write trace to file (not useful in general)
12:15:50 PM: -v, --verbose verbose output
12:15:50 PM: --verboseLog verbose logging
12:15:50 PM: -w, --watch watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
12:15:50 PM: Additional help topics:
12:15:50 PM: hugo check Contains some verification checks
12:15:50 PM: Use "hugo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
12:15:50 PM: Skipping functions preparation step: no functions directory set
12:15:50 PM: Caching artifacts
12:15:50 PM: Started saving pip cache
12:15:50 PM: Finished saving pip cache
12:15:50 PM: Started saving emacs cask dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Finished saving emacs cask dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Started saving maven dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Finished saving maven dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Started saving boot dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Finished saving boot dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Started saving go dependencies
12:15:50 PM: Finished saving go dependencies
12:15:53 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
12:15:53 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
12:15:53 PM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 255
12:15:53 PM: Finished processing build request in 12.425904862s

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