Deploying Shiny Apps, problems reading files

I'm ready to deploy my app, but I get this error.

It appears Shiny isn't reading my files, so there must be a problem with the working directory or with the libraries. How can that be if I have a rproj file, and I reinstalled all of my packages?

Also, none of my files have absolute paths.


I do not have all information, but a few things come to mind:

  • What's the file size of the treemap_master.rds? has a limit for file size depending on your plan.
  • Although you use relative paths, are all files in the Shiny app directory or a direct subfolder of that directory? Shiny sets its working directory automatically to the folder where the app.R file resides and will only upload data that's in that folder.

If this does not help, please provide some more information

Thank you for responding!

The file size is only 16 MB. The entire directory is .98 GB.

Here is a link to github repository.

Thank you for responding!

The file size is only 16 MB. The entire directory is .98 GB.

Here is a link to github repository.

When I deploy the app inside R Studio, the log does not register any problems. It's not until the upload is complete that the error messages occurs. You can see the full error message here:

The app seems to be working fine when I try it ... where does the error come up?

I got it to work ! When I saved the object I used the extension .RDS, but the Shiny server only reads lowercase extension. :grin:

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