DiagrammeR – How to use PDF Diagrams Instead of PNG

I can create this nice diagram using DiagrammeR:

DiagrammeR::grViz("digraph {
  graph [layout = dot, rankdir = TB]
  node [shape = rectangle]        
  rec1 [label = 'Step 1. Wake up']
  rec2 [label = 'Step 2. Write code']
  rec3 [label =  'Step 3. ???']
  rec4 [label = 'Step 4. PROFIT']
  # edge definitions with the node IDs
  rec1 -> rec2 -> rec3 -> rec4
  height = 200)

But I noticed that the diagram's resolution is really bad. This is because it exports to a PNG image insteaad of a PDF. Most diagrams I do export to PDF so their quality is really good, but DiagrammeR exports to PNG for some reason. How can I make it export to PDF?

Hi, have you found a solution for this?

No, unfortunately not. If I do find a solution, I will update this post.

I found a solution on SO that may fit your needs. Does this work?

DiagrammeR::grViz("digraph {
  graph [layout = dot, rankdir = TB]
  node [shape = rectangle]        
  rec1 [label = 'Step 1. Wake up']
  rec2 [label = 'Step 2. Write code']
  rec3 [label =  'Step 3. ???']
  rec4 [label = 'Step 4. PROFIT']
  # edge definitions with the node IDs
  rec1 -> rec2 -> rec3 -> rec4
                  height = 200) %>% 
  DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg() %>% 
  charToRaw() %>% 

This worked, thanks. But there is one problem. It only exports the PDF file, it doesn't include it in my PDF output. So I have to do it manually right after the code block:

![How to profit](svg_graph.pdf)

Is there a way to

  1. Automate it exporting to PDF so I don't have to do it every time and choose the file name every time
  2. Show it in my output

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