Document outline not showing labelled code chunks

in the past, whenever I was naming a code chunk like

{r cars}

I was able to see it in the document outline of my R Notebook.
Now, the only thing that works in the outline are functions of a regular R scripts, or real document outlines using ##

Here below is an example where "InvisibleInTheOutline" does not show up in the outline.
Is that normal?

Do you recall with which version you think it was working ?
For me, the outline on the right only show title document content.

However, the chunk name can be seen alongside title and functions at the bottom

You can try older version by downloading from Older Versions - Posit Documentation

No, I don't recall exactly, but I know I started naming chunks because I liked this right side panel, so I am pretty sure about this. the bottom menu requires too many clicks, imho :wink:

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Ok, I feel bad.
It's all in the Global Options...


Thanks for sharing ! I did not knew that ! :+1:

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