download files from an sftp server on windows with private key


First off all, I have to mention that I'm not an R specialist
I'm trying to download files from an external sftp server and have all the credentials.

I managed to open a session
with the ssh package, where the keyfile is a private key.
session <- ssh::ssh_connect("", keyfile = TestPK, verbose = 1)
but now when I try to download the files from a specific folder '/downloads'
ssh::scp_download(session, " ~/downloads/*", to = Test.path , verbose = TRUE)

I got the error:
Error: SCP failure: Unhandled message: (84)This service allows sftp connections only.

Can someone provide we with a step by step approach on how to achieve what I want?


You could try with the {curl} or {RCurl} packages. This requires that you have the system package curl installed (should be default on Linux, may require installation on MacOS), but both should support SFTP.

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