dplyr functions


can someone help me with the exercise (should actually be pretty easy):

what I already have is:


subset(housing_data_2_, Date>='2010-01-01')

rename(housing_data_2_, 'KAT_1'='Under $100_000', 'KAT_2'='$100_000 - $199_999', 'KAT_3'='$200_000 - $299_999', 'KAT_4'='$300_000 - $399_999', 'KAT_5'='$400_000 - $499_999', 'KAT_6'='$500_000 +') 

we have an excel imported.
how can I exclude specific colums?
how can I create a variable, which includes information from 5 of the columns and excludes the other information?(i think I should use a data.frame, but how?)

why does it not work out to use the pipe operator between the functions I already have(%>%)? is it only working for dplyr functions)?

Please note the site's homework policy:

Also, any questions should be in English.

Hi @starbibi!

In keeping with the policy that @martin.R linked to above, I’m afraid we can’t allow people to post verbatim assignment text here. It’s OK to ask “homework-inspired” questions, but you’ll need to follow the rules in the linked FAQ.

I am “unlisting” this post until it has been edited to remove the verbatim exercise text (you can always edit your own posts by clicking the little pencil icon at the bottom). I recommend making this question about the specific part you’re stuck on, rather than the whole exercise.

You might want to have a look at this, too: FAQ: Tips for writing R-related questions

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