Editing Kable Table

I want change Color the first Column in the kable Table using the code below. what addition line code
can I use to change the color .

        background=ifelse(rate_Change>0, "red", "green")))%>%
   dplyr::rename("% change\ncases"=rate_Change)%>%
    dplyr::rename("Date last Report Case"=last_case)%>%
   dplyr::rename("last 7days Case"=last7day_case)%>%
   dplyr::rename("last 14days Case"=last14day_case)%>%
   knitr::kable(format = "html", escape = FALSE, booktabs= T, linesep= "")%>%
   kable_styling(bootstrap_options="condensed", full_width=FALSE, position="center", latex_options="scale_down", font_size=20, font(color="black"))

I think some sample data would help. A handy way to supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where mydata is your data. Copy the output and paste it here between


`Hello John

Please find the attached my sample data set

 district  last_case last7day_case last14day_case rate_Change
       balaka 2024-03-16            32             37       -13.5
     blantyre 2024-03-17           197            253       -22.1
   chiradzulu 2024-03-15            33             33         0.0
      chitipa 2024-03-16           211            221        -4.5
        dedza 2024-03-15            13             15       -13.3
      karonga 2024-03-17          1301           1687       -22.9
      kasungu       -Inf             0             24      -100.0
       likoma 2024-03-15           171            211       -19.0
     lilongwe 2024-03-16           302            488       -38.1
     machinga 2024-03-17            72             75        -4.0
     mangochi 2024-03-17           235            264       -11.0
      mchinji 2024-03-16            88             94        -6.4
 mzimba north 2024-03-15           165            186       -11.3
 mzimba south 2024-03-16            37             41        -9.8
         neno 2024-03-15             3              7       -57.1
   nkhata bay 2024-03-17           374            510       -26.7
   nkhotakota 2024-03-15           221            221         0.0
       ntcheu 2024-03-13             5              5         0.0
     phalombe 2024-03-14             8              8         0.0
       rumphi 2024-03-14            27            129       -79.1
       thyolo 2024-03-16            43             56       -23.2
        zomba 2024-03-17            26             26         0.0
        Total          -          3564           4591       -22.4


`Hello John

Please find the attached my sample data set that you can reproduce to outcome with the kable table

 district  last_case last7day_case last14day_case rate_Change
       balaka 2024-03-16            32             37       -13.5
     blantyre 2024-03-17           197            253       -22.1
   chiradzulu 2024-03-15            33             33         0.0
      chitipa 2024-03-16           211            221        -4.5
        dedza 2024-03-15            13             15       -13.3
      karonga 2024-03-17          1301           1687       -22.9
      kasungu       -Inf             0             24      -100.0
       likoma 2024-03-15           171            211       -19.0
     lilongwe 2024-03-16           302            488       -38.1
     machinga 2024-03-17            72             75        -4.0
     mangochi 2024-03-17           235            264       -11.0
      mchinji 2024-03-16            88             94        -6.4
 mzimba north 2024-03-15           165            186       -11.3
 mzimba south 2024-03-16            37             41        -9.8
         neno 2024-03-15             3              7       -57.1
   nkhata bay 2024-03-17           374            510       -26.7
   nkhotakota 2024-03-15           221            221         0.0
       ntcheu 2024-03-13             5              5         0.0
     phalombe 2024-03-14             8              8         0.0
       rumphi 2024-03-14            27            129       -79.1
       thyolo 2024-03-16            43             56       -23.2
        zomba 2024-03-17            26             26         0.0
        Total          -          3564           4591       -22.4


I may have something you can work with. Thanks for the data but it was a bit of a mess. you really should use dput(). See the data in dput format below.

I have radically changed your program mainly because I do not normally use {dplyr} and I could not get those dplyr::rename() statements to work. Instead of using {dplyr} I used {data.table}. The syntax is rather different so you may want to have a look at A data.table and dplyr tour to see what I am doing.

I have produced two tables, Table1 uses kable_classic() which is closest to the "booktabs" format that is only available for LaTeX. Table2 uses the standard kable_styling() format.

I changed

cell_spec(rate_Change,  background=ifelse(rate_Change > 0, "red", "green"))


cell_spec(rate_Change,   background=ifelse(rate_Change >= 0, "red", "green"))

just to check that the statement was working. Your data has no rate_Change > 0 . You will want to change it back. For some reason I do not understand "% change\ncases" in not giving a line break.


setDT(Table1)  # Convert data.frame to data.table to data.table 
Table1[, rate_Change := cell_spec(rate_Change, 
        background=ifelse(rate_Change >= 0, "red", "green"))]

setnames(Table1, c("rate_Change", "district", "last_case", "last7day_case", "last14day_case"), 
c("% change\nCases","District", "Date last Report Case", "last 7days Case", "last 14days Case"))

 New_Table1 <-Table1  %>%   kbl(format  =  "html", escape  =  FALSE ) %>%
   kable_classic(full_width = FALSE,  position = "center",  font_size = 20)  %>%  
     row_spec(22, extra_css = "border-bottom: 2px solid;")
  New_Table2 <-Table1  %>%   kbl(format  =  "html", escape  =  FALSE ) %>%
   kable_styling(full_width = FALSE,  position = "center",  font_size = 20)  %>%  
     row_spec(22, extra_css = "border-bottom: 2px solid;")

Table1 <- structure(list(district = c("balaka", "blantyre", "chiradzulu",
"chitipa", "dedza", "karonga", "kasungu", "likoma", "lilongwe",
"machinga", "mangochi", "mchinji", "mzimba north", "mzimba south",
"neno", "nkhata bay", "nkhotakota", "ntcheu", "phalombe", "rumphi",
"thyolo", "zomba", "Total"), last_case = c(" 2024-03-16", " 2024-03-17",
" 2024-03-15", " 2024-03-16", " 2024-03-15", " 2024-03-17", " -Inf",
" 2024-03-15", " 2024-03-16", " 2024-03-17", " 2024-03-17", " 2024-03-16",
" 2024-03-15", " 2024-03-16", " 2024-03-15", " 2024-03-17", " 2024-03-15",
" 2024-03-13", " 2024-03-14", " 2024-03-14", " 2024-03-16", " 2024-03-17",
" -"), last7day_case = c(32L, 197L, 33L, 211L, 13L, 1301L, 0L,
171L, 302L, 72L, 235L, 88L, 165L, 37L, 3L, 374L, 221L, 5L, 8L,
27L, 43L, 26L, 3564L), last14day_case = c(37L, 253L, 33L, 221L,
15L, 1687L, 24L, 211L, 488L, 75L, 264L, 94L, 186L, 41L, 7L, 510L,
221L, 5L, 8L, 129L, 56L, 26L, 4591L), rate_Change = c(-13.5,
-22.1, 0, -4.5, -13.3, -22.9, -100, -19, -38.1, -4, -11, -6.4,
-11.3, -9.8, -57.1, -26.7, 0, 0, 0, -79.1, -23.2, 0, -22.4)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

Thanks a a lot however faced another challenge when I was try to save the table using the below code

  save_kable(file = "Table1.jpeg", 

below is the error it is giving

Error: rsession-utf8.exe: GeometryDoesNotContainImage `C:\Users

is there another way to save it

Is there another way to save it?

I don't know. I managed to save it using

New_Table1 <-Table1  %>%   kbl(format  =  "html", escape  =  FALSE ) %>%
   kable_classic(full_width = FALSE,  position = "center",  font_size = 20)  %>%  
     row_spec(22, extra_css = "border-bottom: 2px solid;")  %>%  
         save_kable(" New_Table1.pdf")

after I installed the {webshot2} package. I received a warning after trying it without the package but I was not getting an error message as you are.

I am not a Windows use so I am not clear on what that error message means but try


and see what happens.


also works but the .pdf looks better.

You should also be able to save the output by using the "Export" button.

I'll keep poking around and see what I can find.

Sorry to take so long getting bark to you but I was not having any more luck with kableExtra.

If you are not committed to {kableExtra} then I may have a solution for you with {flextable}. I think I found a couple of bugs but if you can function with just the table inserted into a document such as RMarkdown or even Word, I think this will work.

My possible bugs. flextime output is strange and is stripping caption.

Table1 <-  read.csv("raw.data.csv") 

# names changed for my convenience
names(Table1) <- c("district", "last", "last7", "last14", "rate")

  font.family = "Arial", font.size = 10, 
  border.color = "black")

tb1 <- flextable(Table1) |> 
  bold(part = "header") |> 
      color(~ rate  < 0, color = "green", ~ rate) |> 
       color(~ rate  >= 0, color = "red", ~ rate) 

tb1 <- set_header_labels(
  x = tb1,
  values = c(
    district = "District",
    last = "Date of Last Case",
    last7 = "Cases in last 7 days",
    last14 = "Cases in last 14 days",
    rate = "% Change"

set_table_properties(tb1, width = .5, layout = "autofit")

save_as_image(tb1, "tb1.png")

Aha! Finally figured out how to add a horizontal line and centre the column headings.

Sightly revised version

# suppressMessages(library(tidyverse))

Table1 <-  read.csv("raw.data.csv") 

# names changed for my convenience
names(Table1) <- c("district", "last", "last7", "last14", "rate")

  font.family = "Arial", font.size = 10, 
  border.color = "black")

std_border <- fp_border(color = "red")

tb1 <- flextable(Table1) |> 
  bold(part = "header") |> 
      color(~ rate  < 0, color = "green", ~ rate) |> 
       color(~ rate  >= 0, color = "red", ~ rate) 

tb1 <- align(tb1, align = "center", part = "header")
tb1 <- hline(tb1, i = 22, j = 1:5, border = std_border)

tb1 <- set_header_labels(
  x = tb1,
  values = c(
    district = "District",
    last = "Date of Last Case",
    last7 = "Cases in last 7 days",
    last14 = "Cases in last 14 days",
    rate = "% Change"

set_table_properties(tb1, width = .75, layout = "autofit")

save_as_image(tb1, "tb1.png")
save_as_image(tb1, "tb1.png")

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Thank a lot John it really help on saving the table as an image

Check my {flextable} selections.

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