ELİSA Data Transformation from Excel

Hello everyone,

I did ELİSA experiment and I have an excel file.In this file column name A:H and Row names 1:12.I want to unite this column and rows (like A1,A2....H1,H2) and make a column.In other column ı want to my data next column.Like A1-0.25,B1-5.0.How can I do that?

I'm sorry, I do not understand what you want to do. Please ask your question again.
Here are some observations and questions:

  1. Your Rows are labeled A:H and your Columns are labeled 1-12. Please be careful to refer to rows and columns consistently.
  2. What does it mean to "unite" columns and rows? Do you want to calculate a sum or average?
  3. When you calculate A1-0.25 or B1-5.0, where do the values 0.25 and 5.0 come from?
  4. Do you want to do this in R or is this and Excel question?

I want to look like that my table.And I want to do that with just using R.

Here is an example of reshaping data from a wide format to a long format and combining two columns. I made some assumptions about your data structure. I if you need more detailed help, please post the output of


where DF is the name of your data frame.

DF <- data.frame(`1` = c(2,4,3), `2` = c(6,5,4),`3` = c(12,32,22), `4` = c(1,2,3),
                 check.names = FALSE, row.names = c("A","B","C"))
#>   1 2  3 4
#> A 2 6 12 1
#> B 4 5 32 2
#> C 3 4 22 3
DF <- DF |> rownames_to_column()
#>   rowname 1 2  3 4
#> 1       A 2 6 12 1
#> 2       B 4 5 32 2
#> 3       C 3 4 22 3
DF <- DF |> pivot_longer(cols = -rowname, names_to = "TMP")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#>    rowname TMP   value
#>    <chr>   <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 A       1         2
#>  2 A       2         6
#>  3 A       3        12
#>  4 A       4         1
#>  5 B       1         4
#>  6 B       2         5
#>  7 B       3        32
#>  8 B       4         2
#>  9 C       1         3
#> 10 C       2         4
#> 11 C       3        22
#> 12 C       4         3
DF <- DF |> unite(col = "Kuyu", c("rowname", "TMP"), sep = "")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#>    Kuyu  value
#>    <chr> <dbl>
#>  1 A1        2
#>  2 A2        6
#>  3 A3       12
#>  4 A4        1
#>  5 B1        4
#>  6 B2        5
#>  7 B3       32
#>  8 B4        2
#>  9 C1        3
#> 10 C2        4
#> 11 C3       22
#> 12 C4        3

Created on 2023-03-27 with reprex v2.0.2

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