Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) : Unable to open file

Rstudio version: RStudio-1.3.1093
R version:R-3.6.3
Dear friends,
I got an error running a script file. I tried a lot to fix it, but it didn't work.I really hope to get your help, thank you very much. Error message is as follows:
Error in file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) : Cannot open linkage

Warning message:

In file(filename, "r", encoding = encoding) :

Unable to open file '/ DATA (D)/chargre/skils/LMM/osfstorage - archive/functions provides/mixedDesign v0.6.3. R' : Invalid argument

Did you try



Yes, I have searched a lot of relevant experience posts on the Internet and tried one by one, but nothing worked, but three hours ago, I hit on a solution, I tried it, and it worked! However, thanks for your attention~

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