Error in "gamm" ("unused argument = offset ...")

Hi, everyone!

First-time poster, here, so please be forbearing if I've violated some of the conventions for asking questions (like, for example, providing a replicable example).

I'm trying to estimate a Generalized Additive Mixed Model using the "gamm" function with this code:

fit1.1 = gamm(opioidNonFatalOD ~ s(mandatoryReg.l2, k = 3, fx = TRUE, 
                                         bs = "cr") +
                  s(coalitionActive.l2, k = 3, fx = TRUE, bs = "cr") +
                  monthsSinceJan2011 +
                  everFunded +
                  ICD10 +
                  spoke5 +
                  hub +
                  s(monthly2, bs = "cc", fx = FALSE, k = 4) +
                  s(county2, bs = "re"),
                  #+ offset(log(population / 100000)),
           correlation = corAR1(form = ~ monthsSinceJan2011 | county2),
           data = tsData,
           family = quasipoisson, offset = log(population / 100000),
           niterPQL = 20,
           verbosePQL = TRUE)type or paste code here

For some reason, it looks like the "offset" argument isn't getting passed to gammPQL. I get this error:

iteration 1
Quitting from lines 201-220 (pfs_model_experiments_041520.Rmd) 
Error in lme(fixed = fixed, random = random, data = data, correlation = correlation,  : 
  unused argument (offset = log(population/1e+05))
Calls: <Anonymous> ... withVisible -> eval -> eval -> gamm -> eval -> eval -> gammPQL
Execution halted

Here're the traceback messages:

Error in lme(fixed = fixed, random = random, data = data, correlation = correlation, : unused argument (offset = log(population/1e+05))
gammPQL(y ~ X - 1, random = rand, data = strip.offset(mf), family = family, correlation = correlation, control = control, weights = weights, niter = niterPQL, verbose = verbosePQL, mustart = mustart, etastart = etastart, ...) at <text>#1
eval(parse(text = paste("ret$lme<-gammPQL(", deparse(fixed.formula), ",random=rand,data=strip.offset(mf),family=family,", "correlation=correlation,control=control,", "weights=weights,niter=niterPQL,verbose=verbosePQL,mustart=mustart,etastart=etastart,...)", sep = "")))
eval(parse(text = paste("ret$lme<-gammPQL(", deparse(fixed.formula), ",random=rand,data=strip.offset(mf),family=family,", "correlation=correlation,control=control,", "weights=weights,niter=niterPQL,verbose=verbosePQL,mustart=mustart,etastart=etastart,...)", sep = "")))
gamm(opioidNonFatalOD ~ s(mandatoryReg.l2, k = 3, fx = TRUE, bs = "cr") + s(coalitionActive.l2, k = 3, fx = TRUE, bs = "cr") + monthsSinceJan2011 + everFunded + ICD10 + spoke5 + hub + s(monthly2, bs = "cc", fx = FALSE, k = 4) + s(county2, bs = "re"), ...

I've tried using the offset as a term in the model (see commented-out code), but get a similar error.

Just from inspecting the code, does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks, David

I don't see any offset argument in ?mgcv::gamm()

not in ?lme

Your offset argument you are passing in the function (offset = ...) is not understand.

This explains the error.

This is another question on how to pass offset to your model.

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