error in importing XML data from the website

i will appreciate if someone help me to figure out the following 5 errors when i follow the script for download XML data from website:

  1. script:

Import XML data from web (must be online)

df <- "" %>%
XML2Obs() %>%
collapse_obs() %>%

error message from console

Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) :
Could not resolve host:

  1. script:

df %<>% # %<>% is the compound assignment pipe operator
as_tibble() %>% # Save as tibble
select( # Select data
Race = matches("RaceName"), # Get race name
FirstName = matches("GivenName"), # Get first name
LastName = matches("FamilyName"), # Get last name
Team = matches("Constructor//Name") # Get team name
) %>%
print() # Each column is a list with two values (oops)

error msg in console

Error: C stack usage 15922912 is too close to the limit

  1. script:

df %<>% # %<>% is the compound assignment pipe operator
as_tibble() %>% # Save as tibble
select( # Select data
Race = matches("RaceName"), # Get race name
FirstName = matches("GivenName"), # Get first name
LastName = matches("FamilyName"), # Get last name
Team = matches("Constructor//Name") # Get team name
) %>%
print() # Each column is a list with two values (oops)

error message on console screen

Error: C stack usage 15922912 is too close to the limit

  1. script:

Rewrite columns to keep just the "XML_value"

df %<>% # %<>% is the compound assignment pipe operator
mutate_all(~ (.[,"XML_value"])) %>%

error msg on console

Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars") :
no applicable method for 'tbl_vars' applied to an object of class "function"

  1. script


Select just the Grand Prix races.

df %<>%
filter(str_detect(Race,"Prix")) %>%

error message on console

Error in UseMethod("filter") :
no applicable method for 'filter' applied to an object of class "function"

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