"Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : plot.new has not been called yet"

-Hello community ,
The following code , I got from a website shown here in the Source.
I am new to R .
I am having trouble identifying a fix to the following problem,

"Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) :
plot.new has not been called yet"

My trouble starts from the following line of code,

suppressWarnings(points(x = hist_end, y = Y.hist[hist_start+hist_end-1], pch = 21, bg = "green"))

it also returns for each of the lines(...........) plots that occur after this line also

I have tried all the problems outlined from R community, from adjusting the par() to unticking the output file in the preference pane.

Here under is the full code

I'd really appreciate expert advice on this one.

Thank you

title: "Financial Time series forecasting, Black-Scholes-Merton model"
    df_print: paged
Source: https://datascienceplus.com/financial-time-series-forecasting-an-easy-approach/


knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = TRUE)


# downloading stock price

# using adjusted close price
Y <- coredata(AAPL[,"AAPL.Adjusted"])

# history time span
hist_start <- 1
hist_end <- 100
hist <- c(hist_start:hist_end)

# historical prices
Y.hist <- Y[hist]

# historical returns = (Y(t1)-Y(t0))/Y(t0)
Y.hist.ret <- returns(Y.hist)

# standard deviation computed based on history
(sv_hist <- sd(Y.hist.ret, na.rm=T))

# 95% confidence interval
n <- length(hist)
sv_hist_low <- sqrt((n-1)*sv_hist^2/qchisq(.975, df=n-1))
sv_hist_up <- sqrt((n-1)*sv_hist^2/qchisq(.025, df=n-1))
(sv_hist_confint_95 <- c(sv_hist_low, sv_hist, sv_hist_up))


I am going to show a plot outlining future share price evolution.

# relative future time horizon 20 time periods out (s0 days in this case)
t <- 3074:3173

# martingale hypothesis (the average of future returns is equal to the current value)
u <- 0

# future expected value as based on normal distribution hypothesis
fc <- log(Y.hist[hist_end]) + (u - 0.5*sv_hist^2)*t

# lower bound 95% confidence interval
fc.lb <- fc - 1.96*sv_hist*sqrt(t)

# upper bound 95% confidence interval
fc.ub <- fc + 1.96*sv_hist*sqrt(t)

# collecting lower, expected and upper values
fc_band <- list(lb = exp(fc.lb), m = exp(fc), ub = exp(fc.ub))

# absolute future time horizon
xt <- c(hist_end + t)

# stock price history line plot
<-plot(Y[hist_start:(hist_end + max(t))], type='l',
     xlim = c(2074, hist_end + max(t)),
     ylim = c(75, 250),
     xlab = "Time Index",
     ylab = "Share Price $",
     main = "Apple Share Price ($)",
     panel.first = grid())

# starting point for our forecast

```{r error=TRUE}
suppressWarnings(points(x = hist_end, y = Y.hist[hist_start+hist_end-1], pch = 21, bg = "green"))

# lower bound stock price forecast
lines(x = xt, y = fc_band$lb, lty = 'dotted', col = 'violet', lwd = 2)

# expected stock price forecast
lines(x = xt, y = fc_band$m, lty = 'dotted', col = 'blue', lwd = 2)

# upper bound stock price forecast
lines(x = xt, y = fc_band$ub, lty = 'dotted', col = 'red', lwd = 2)

# added line of code
If you like to have future stock price drift more consistent with its recent history, you may compute a return based on the same time scale of the standard deviation.
(mu_hist <- mean(Y.hist.ret, na.rm=T))

n <- length(hist)

# 95% confidence interval for the mean
mu_hist_low <- mu_hist - qt(0.975, df=n-1)*sv_hist/sqrt(n)
mu_hist_up <- mu_hist + qt(0.975, df=n-1)*sv_hist/sqrt(n)
(mu_hist_confint_95 <- c(mu_hist_low, mu_hist, mu_hist_up))


# drift computed on historical values
(u <- mu_hist)

(curr_share_price <- Y.hist[hist_end])

t <- 10
(mu_t <- log(curr_share_price) + u - 0.5*sv_hist^2)*t

(sv_t <- sv_hist*sqrt(t))
target 10% above current price
(target_share_price <- 1.10*curr_share_price)

Probability the share price at time t is >= the target price
pnorm(q = log(target_share_price),
      mean = mu_t,
      sd = sv_t,
      lower.tail = FALSE)

The above line of your code should throw an error. It has an incomplete assignment of the output of plot() with nothing on the left of the <-. The line after that causes the error you list. Calling points() without first producing a plot will result in an error saying plot.new has not been called yet. Are you sure that your call to plot quoted above actually produces a plot?

Thank you for your response FJCC,

I omitted to remove the "<-" from the line of code you have commented on.
I have rectified that in the code.

stock price history line plot

plot(Y[hist_start:(hist_end + max(t))], type='l',
     xlim = c(2074, hist_end + max(t)),
     ylim = c(75, 250),
     xlab = "Time Index",
     ylab = "Share Price $",
     main = "Apple Share Price ($)",
     panel.first = grid())

This throws out a plot of the data points to me

When I run the next chunk,

suppressWarnings(points(x = hist_end, y = Y.hist[hist_start+hist_end-1], pch = 21, bg = "green"))

I get the error
"Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : plot.new has not been called yet"

I am confused with the plot() command before the points()

Does the plot from the previous chunk not suffice for the supressWarnings chunk and the other lines() in the following chunks.

You need to have the call to plot() and to points() in the same chunk. Otherwise, points() is trying to make a new plot, independent of the plot made by the previous chunk. The same will be true for all of your other calls to lines(). Each chunk makes its own plot.

The answer to my problem is solved, Thank you FJCC,

The Error I made was , I copied code that was written in the R Script tab of RStudio, I took that code and inserted it into the RMarkdown tab of RStudio. This resulted in the code failing when the plot() function was not seen when adding lines to the initial plot.separate chunks.

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